All-in one

Surveillance des médias

Track any keywords, topics, brands, hashtags, products, celebrities across the Web and social media

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The Internet

Track all online mentions of your keywords appearing on news sites, blogs, websites, discussion forums, YouTube, review sites and other publicly available places on the Web. Learn who, what and where talks about your topics.

Médias sociaux

Discover Twitter, Facebook, Instagram pieces of content mentioning your keywords. Brand24’s media monitoring software provides also rich social media analytics, including volume, reach, influence and engagement metrics.

Public relations

Public relations

Media monitoring and PR are two lovebirds. Effective PR means awareness of a problem and a fast reaction time. Using media monitoring, PR specialist can track all online mentions of a company in real time and react immediately.

Surveillance de la marque

Surveillance de la marque

Learn what people say about your brand online: what they think about your product, service or marketing campaigns. Discover all online publications about your company and product in real time.

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Online media monitoring

Online media monitoring

Are you interested in a particular topic? Use media monitoring software to keep track of your topics and be the first to learn about the news the moment they appear in all kinds of online media and news sites.

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Competitor monitoring

Competitor monitoring

Use media monitoring software to keep track of all online publications about your competitors. Be the first to learn about their pain points, negative reviews or development.

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Meilleure startup Aulery récompense le lauréat du concours
Meilleur service Relations avec les clients Prix Ekomersy
Meilleure application web Concours The Next Web Startup Awards
Meilleure application mobile Meilleure application mobile pour les entreprises Mobile Trends Awards

Milliers d'euros entreprises utiliser Brand24 pour surveiller le web.

Qu'il s'agisse d'une entreprise unipersonnelle, d'une startup ou d'une société figurant au classement Fortune 500,
Brand24 vous aide à découvrir votre empreinte numérique dans le monde entier.