Fast & easy way to develop comprehensive brand strategy

Suitable brand strategy can determine the make-it-or-break-it moment of your product or service.
Use Brand24 to gather crucial data about your online presence and collect valuable insights from the market.

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Fast & easy way to develop comprehensive brand strategy

Suitable brand strategy can determine the make-it-or-break-it moment of your product or service.
Use Brand24 to gather crucial data about your online presence and collect valuable insights from the market.

Developing a top-notch brand strategy is an essential step to
become an industry leader.

Analyze your online presence

Start developing your brand strategy by assessing the current status of perceiving your business online. Check online mentions about your company - understand what are your strengths and weaknesses, as well as what are your potential growth opportunities directly from the market.

Discover detailed statistics about your online presence. Find out which online channels are your advantage and which require more of your attention.

Combine all of these data to fully understand your current online situation. Based on these you'll be able to choose the most relevant areas and create suited goals for your brand strategy development!

Find insights form relations with customers

Clients are the core of your business, therefore, you should put extra effort into maintaining excellent relationships with them. They talk, share their experiences and exchange opinions online, so it's a great opportunity for you to find their reviews and message them directly.

Check out the context of the discussion which gives you an overview of the words that are used the most frequently alongside your business name. Find out what upgrades in your business may be a real game-changer and will satisfy your potential customers!

Collect valuable insights and implement them into your brand strategy. Keep up to date with the opinions of your customers using online monitoring and always be ahead of your competition.

Nous utilisons Brand24 pour trouver des alertes sociales et de nouveaux publics à engager avec notre marque. Entre 2 et 3 fois par jour, nous nous assurons de vérifier nos SM mention et de voir s'il y a des conversations pertinentes en cours auxquelles nous pouvons participer.


Benefit even more with Brand24...

Set A Benchmark

In the project creation wizard, enter the keywords related to your industry. You'll be able to see which companies people recommend and why. Implement best practices to attract more and more customers.


Simplify Your Work

Benefit from the opportunity to receive reports about mentions directly to your email inbox. Control how customers react to your brand strategy implementation and react on a regular basis.

Understand Mention Value

After collecting mentions about your business you may think which ones are valuable insights? Combine them with sentiment analysis to check which mentions are positive and which are not.

Check out how Tailor Brands used Media Monitoring to boost their community of over 3,000,000 users

Check out how Tailor Brands used Media Monitoring
to boost their community of over 3,000,000 users

Why Tailor Brands use Brand24?

Tailor Brands used Brand24 to find social alerts and new audiences which they may engage with their brand.

Between 2-3 times a day, they make sure to check in on their Social Media mentions and see whether there are any relevant conversations going on that they can join.

They're always ready to jump into a conversation when it involves users who are discussing their products.

Meilleure startup Aulery récompense le lauréat du concours
Meilleur service Relations avec les clients Prix Ekomersy
Meilleure application web Concours The Next Web Startup Awards
Meilleure application mobile Meilleure application mobile pour les entreprises Mobile Trends Awards

Plus de 100 000 entreprises utiliser Brand24 pour surveiller le web.

Qu'il s'agisse d'une entreprise unipersonnelle, d'une startup ou d'une société figurant au classement Fortune 500,
Brand24 vous aide à découvrir votre empreinte numérique dans le monde entier.