Klout is not here anymore.
But you can still measure your online presence.

Thanks to media monitoring with influencer score you can track mentions about your brand and measure it’s popularity.

Klout is not here anymore.
But you can still measure your online presence.

Thanks to media monitoring with influencer score you can track mentions about your brand and measure it’s popularity.

What a Klout Score was?

What a Klout Score was?

Klout score was an online social influence score. It contained a user's social media network size, interactions around the user's content and other data.

It ranged from 1 to 100 where influential individuals like Barrack Obama obviously had a full 100 points. Simple, neat and understandable to everyone.

Sadly, the service is already closed but media monitoring tools like Brand24 can help you to measure influence and offer a lot more.

Measure your online influence

Measure your online influence

Brand24 allows you to monitor and analyze mentions about you or your brand or your competitor. We can let you know whenever someone is talking about you.

Analyze your mentions
Measure the volume of mentions, level of engagement, and social media reach.

Understand your competitors
Find out how popular they are and what can you learn from them.

Find other influencers
Learn who you should follow and cooperate with to boost your marketing results.

Protect your's brand reputation

Protect your's brand reputation

88% search online for products and services before buying. Considering that online reputation seems to be crucial for your brand and sales results.

Prevent a PR crsis
Every company has an unhappy customer sometimes. Thanks to media monitoring you will be able to spot them and talk to them immediately..

Conoce a tus clientes
People talk about brands all the time. Track their discussions and find new consumer's insights.

Analyze mentions' sentiment
Thanks to our machine-learning algorithms we will let you know how many positive and negative mentions you have.

It's much more than just a score

It's much more than just a score

We have customers from over 110 countries who use media monitoring to boost their PR, marketing and sales results. Here are few more examples of what you can do.

Analyze your results
Measure your brand mentions and compare it month to month to see if your new campaign is getting online buzz.

Track hashtags
Count how many hashtags were used on Twitter and beyond. Join the discussion and get to know your audience.

Create PDF reports
Give your client or your boss auto-generated beatiful PDF reports with the most important metrics about your brand.


¿Por qué debería probar Brand24?

Miles de clientes de más de 110 países controlan sus menciones en línea con nosotros.
Abra una cuenta de prueba y reciba las primeras menciones en 3 minutos. Es fácil, gratis y no se necesita tarjeta de crédito.

¿Por qué debería probar Brand24?

Miles de clientes de más de 110 países supervisan Internet con nosotros.
Abra su cuenta de prueba y cobre las primeras menciones en 2 minutos. Es fácil, gratis y no se necesita tarjeta de crédito.

How Soundbrenner Is Using Brand24 To Track Influencer Effectiveness

How Soundbrenner Is Using Brand24 To Track Influencer Effectiveness

Soundbrenner solves universal problems of musicians. They combine hardware and software into integrated solutions that offer a beautiful user experience.

SoundBrenner team has been using Brand24 for over 18 months. They use the tool for tracking the effectiveness of their influencers and recruiting future influencers.

Lea su historia o aprenda de otros casos prácticos.

Read Full Case Study

"En Uber, utilizamos la escucha social a diario, lo que nos permite entender cómo se sienten nuestros usuarios con los cambios que estamos implementando. En cuanto introducimos una modificación, sabemos qué partes son acogidas con entusiasmo y cuáles necesitan más trabajo. Estamos contentos de que la nueva aplicación haya tenido tan buena acogida porque hemos puesto mucho trabajo en ella".

Krzysiek Radoszewski,
Director de Marketing para Europa Central y Oriental en Uber

Análisis en tiempo real

Nuestra herramienta analiza el sentimiento de las menciones inmediatamente después de recopilarlas.

Informes PDF automáticos

Exporte sus datos a PDF (o XLS) y envíelos directamente a su jefe/clientes.

Aplicación móvil

Puedes consultar rápidamente las nuevas menciones y responder a ellas a través de la aplicación móvil.

Estadísticas de alcance

Combine los datos de sentimiento con el alcance, la participación, los idiomas y mucho más.

Miles de empresas utilizan Brand24 para vigilar la web.

Ya sea una empresa unipersonal, una startup o una empresa Fortune 500, Brand24 le ayuda a descubrir su huella digital en todo el mundo.

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