Find and track relevant hashtags for your business

Descubra o volume de mentions, seu alcance na mídia social, sentimento e os perfis mais influentes que os utilizam.


Discover twitter hashtag analytics tool

Learn how many times a hashtag have been used on Twitter, Instagram and all over the web.


Track the volume chart to see how your hashtags trend.


Sign up free now or scroll down to see more hashtags-related metrics you can find in Brand24.


Measure hashtags reach and sentiment

Use hashtag analytics to find out what social media reach they generate across social media platforms and other sources.


Compare hashtags between each other to see which one has more mentions and bigger reach.


Use AI-driven sentiment analysis to find out positive or negative mentions and understand your audience emotions.

Find Influencers using your hashtags

Identify influencers and micro influencers using your hashtag and talk to them.


You can also find heavy users who used a certain hashtag the most often.


Hashtag alerts and daily reports

Get instant notifications the moment the volume or social media reach of your hashtags increase. Know when your hashtags go viral. Storm Alerts are at your service!


You can also receive a daily, weekly or monthly report directly to your inbox.

Por que você deve experimentar o Brand24?

Thousands of customers from over 154 countries track their hashtags and brand mentions with us. Start your trial account and collect first mentions in 2 minutes. It’s easy, free, and there’s no credit card required.

How Spartan Race are listening to community of over 1,000,000

Founded in 2010 by CEO Joe DeSena, Spartan Race is the world’s largest obstacle race and endurance brand. Beyond engaging more than 1 million participants in the more than 30 countries. 
Learn how they used Brand24 to listen to monitor their brand and hashtags and identify new

We use Brand24 to find social alerts and new audiences to engage with our brand. Between 2-3 times a day, we make sure to check in on our SM mentions and see if there are any relevant conversations going on that we can join.

Mai Bar-chen

Community & Social Media Manager at Tailor Brands​

Análise em tempo real

Nossa ferramenta analisa o sentimento dos mentions imediatamente após sua coleta.

Relatórios automáticos em PDF

Exporte seus dados para PDF (ou XLS) e envie-os diretamente para seu chefe/clientes.

Aplicativo móvel

Você pode verificar rapidamente novos mentions e responder a eles por meio do aplicativo móvel

Estatísticas de alcance

Combine dados de sentimento com alcance, engajamento, idiomas e muito mais.

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