¡JUST IN! Los 100 mejores profesionales del marketing digital de 2018: un informe basado en datos

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Hot off the press, The Los 100 mejores profesionales del marketing digital de 2018 is officially here!

Featuring the hottest digital marketing experts of the year, this report celebrates the amazing quality and effectiveness that these leading experts bring to the digital marketing table – y the results are totally based on data.

Over a period of 7 months, we created hundreds of seguimiento de los medios de comunicación projects to collect over 2.8 MILLION mentions and 14 MILLION interactions.

We analyzed this data and created a custom algorithm to retrieve the most accurate information on the tiposcale of influence for each digital marketer – and not only.

Digging into all the mentions, interactions, and social media reach for each digital marketing expert also gave us some eye-opening insights into how the top 100 digital marketers became so good at what they do – including the essential best practices that they swear by.

But enough talk. Find out more inside the report:

What can you learn from the Top 100 Digital Marketers 2018?

Check out the report to get to know the top 100 digital marketers of 2018, add new inspiration to your social feeds, and find out how you can:

  • Learn from the top 100 digital marketing experts of 2018
  • Become one of the next top 100 digital marketers
  • Work with the top digital marketers

¡PSST...! En TOP 100 INFLUENCERS DE MARKETING Informe 2022 ¡por fin está aquí!

Inside the report

See all of the data, provided by Marca24. This includes each digital marketer’s total number of mentions, interactions, social media reach, and their customized Brand24 Influencer Score.

Find out where your favorite digital marketers stand among the top 100 and read about the Very Important Best Practices they use to get the best results.

El análisis de los datos también nos ayudó a identificar a los principales influyentes del marketing digital en estas categorías:

  • Top 20 Digital Marketers Beyond Redes sociales
  • Top 20 Digital Marketers with the Greatest Social Media Reach
  • Top 20 Digital Marketers Most Talked About by Otros Digital Marketers
  • Top 20 Most Engaging Digital Marketers

Our methodology

All of the data was collected with online seguimiento de los medios de comunicación – the practice of gathering mentions from various online sources. We used herramienta de seguimiento de medios Marca24 to collect online mentions from social media platforms (Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Facebook, Google+, etc.), as well as beyond social (forums, blogs, news sites, and more).

How did we analyze the data?

You might have seen our modest report from last year, the Los 100 principales influyentes del marketing de 2017. This was our first time tackling a project like this, and we were blown away by the response. Taking all of the insights, comments, and feedback that we received from our readers, we decided to level up this year:

We created a custom algorithm to calculate each digital marketer’s Brand24 Influencer Score for the Los 100 mejores profesionales del marketing digital de 2018.

The Brand24 Influencer Score considers each influencer’s mentions (both in social media and beyond), interactions with their content (le gustaupvotescomentariosacciones), as well as their social media reach. Each digital marketer’s overall position in the Los 100 mejores profesionales del marketing digital de 2018 se basa en esta puntuación única.

What’s new in this year’s report?

Just like the experts on our list, we are always trying to raise the bar. That’s why we’ve made a few changes in this new edition:

  • This year’s report is still based on datos, but we decided to create a new scoring method that more accurately reflects the type and scale of influence for each digital marketing influencer.
  • We put the focus on digital marketers. These digital marketing experts have built amazing presence on the Internet. As a result, they are often mentioned & quoted by reputable sources.
  • The design in this year’s edition has also been made sleeker and easier to follow, making the data a breeze to understand.

So, who’s inside the Top 100 digital marketers 2018? Get your free copy and find out now!

some of the top digital marketers

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