¿Cómo redactar un informe de relaciones públicas? Plantilla y ejemplo
PR professionals need a robust and affordable way to present the results of their work. Did all the press releases bring the desired impact? Did reaching out to influencers bring any substantial value? Did you achieve your PR KPIs? Here’s everything you need to know about PR reports.
The bottom line is simple — you must prove the value of your work to your supervisors. Are the numbers growing? Is your work affecting the company’s bottom line? This information is crucial for your CEO, CMO, and other PR pros you work with.
The solution? A PR report!
A PR report is a fundamental part of the industry. A well-researched and well-written PR report will help you make more insightful business decisions. It’s important to produce PR reports at timely intervals so you always have an overview of your current situation.
In this post, I will discuss the most efficient way to create a PR report.
Hopefully, at the end of this read, you will be able to prepare an informative quarterly PR report template that will bring your communications efforts to the next level.
Use Brand24 to generate your first PR report!
PR report template
AI tools can help you generate PR report templates within minutes.
And the best part? You can personalize them to your needs.
I created the reports below with a few clicks, and it took me about 5 minutes.
Feel free to download them and check what it looks like.
💡Click and download PR report templates:
⬇️ PR Report Template ( general analytics dashboard)⬇️
⬇️ PR Report Template (PDF)⬇️
⬇️ PR Competitor Comparison Report Template (PDF)⬇️
I didn’t apply any specific filters to them, but there’s a lot you can manipulate. For example:
- Sources included in the report
- The specific time frame
- The specific campaign overview
- & much more!
Plus, you can share this report with anyone you need with a simple link.
Generate your PR report using AI!
I honestly think it’s the best way to create a PR report!
Types of PR reports
The type of reports and the way you create them depends on the target audience.
Managers or clients need a different type of PR report than the board of directors or investors. Monthly and quarterly reports are the most popular, but there are more kinds!
Here’s a list of the most popular types of PR reports:
01 Monthly reports
Monthly PR reports will give you a general overview of the current situation of your brand. You can examine the effects of your work on the spot and your current media coverage, then adjust your activities accordingly. You can also reallocate your resources to the plan that brings the desired results.
🔎 Who is it for?
Debe preparar informes mensuales de relaciones públicas para su supervisor directo o gerente.
02 Quarterly reports
If the monthly report is a test, then the quarterly PR report is your end score. Quarterly reports will help you defend your results. You will be able to pinpoint the correlation between the dollars spent on your PR campaign and specific business outcomes. Even if you engage in activities that don’t directly link to sales, you can explain the benefits to the brand you manage.
🔎 Who is it for?
Los informes trimestrales son una lectura interesante para el vicepresidente, el director de marketing o los profesionales de relaciones públicas.
Try AI-generated PR reports!
03 Annual reports
Annual reports are one of the most important PR reports you have to prepare. Your boss will make budget decisions based on the data you include in the annual report. If you need money for additional tools, new team members, or other resources, you should indicate it in the report. Don’t forget to mention the expected outcome of the spending.
🔎 Who is it for?
Los informes anuales de relaciones públicas contienen información importante para los directores generales, el consejo de administración o los inversores.
04 PR Campaign report
Before you launch a public relations campaign, you need to create reports, to define your goals. Your report will state whether you achieved your goal and what you should improve before the next campaign.
🔎 Who is it for?
You should prepare PR campaign reports for your direct supervisor or CMO. The audience of the report depends on the size of the campaign.
05 Crisis report
Every brand is prone to crisis. Thanks to the Crisis de relaciones públicas report, you can show how your department helped minimize the damages, changed the narrative, and protected your brand reputation. It’s a great report to show off your PR efforts.
🔎 Who is it for?
Crisis management is an opportunity for PR managers.
Personalize your report to present your KPIs!
Manual PR reporting: 3 crucial steps.
Prefer to do your PR report manually?
Once you decide what type of PR report you want to prepare and who is the target reader, you can get to work!
Here’s a list of key points you may want to include:
01 Comprobar el volumen de menciones
The volume of mentions shows you how many times the name of your brand, product, or service has been used online.
In theory, the higher the volume of media mentions, the better recognition your brand has.
It’s important to start your PR analysis with the volume of media mentions.
A sudden spike in the number will indicate that your PR campaign is working. More and more people have heard about your company, so notoriedad de marca están aumentando.
That’s exactly what you can see in the screenshot above. Duolingo did a campaign that went viral and created buzz all over the internet.
Check your volume of mentions!
02 Conduct sentiment analysis
El sentimiento le dará el contexto que necesita para evaluar el impacto de sus comunicaciones de relaciones públicas en su marca.
The same sentiment analysis will tell you how people feel about your company. The tool uses NLP and AI-driven algorithms to determine whether the sentiment towards your brand is positive, negative, or neutral.
Análisis del sentimiento will help you spot any looming crisis and next steps to counteract the effects. The process helps determine the most successful content and, ultimately, helps increase reach.
Check how your PR efforts work!
03 Elaborate on your performance
Reach is the metric that highly determines your performance.
It’s particularly important for various PR agencies that need to work on media relations.
Descubre nuestra historia de éxito de un cliente - leer el <strong>estudio monográfico</strong>.
Brand24 calculates both social and non-social reach, so you get a ready-to-use analysis:
This analysis also shows how many people could have come into contact with your content.
From a PR perspective, reaching the right audience with the right message at the right time is a Holy Grail.
Try AI-generated PR reports!
PR report: What to include?
Aparte de las métricas de relaciones públicas, su informe de relaciones públicas debe incluir otra información importante.
La buena noticia es que la estructura de un informe debería ser la misma para todos los sectores de las relaciones públicas. Puedes ajustar el informe y las métricas a tu estrategia de relaciones públicas, para presentar los datos más procesables.
¿Qué debe incluir un responsable de relaciones públicas en un informe?
01 Summary
You will prepare a different PR report depending on your audience and organization structure. Whether your CEO, manager, or board of directors is reading the report, they need to see the most important insights and results.
That’s why you should always include a detailed brand coverage summary.
02 Benchmarks
For all the data you present in your PR reports, you need context. Choose the right benchmarks, both from your previous campaigns and your competitors’ numbers, to correctly interpret your data.
03 Competitive intelligence
La inteligencia competitiva es parte integrante de un informe anual de relaciones públicas. Inteligencia competitiva ilustrará la presencia global de su empresa y el sentimiento hacia su marca. La inteligencia competitiva es especialmente importante para las relaciones con los inversores.
Get data for your PR report!
My tip: Use public relations software
Before you start any public relations campaign, you need to find the right public relations software.
Una herramienta ideal recopilará los datos en tiempo real de diversas fuentes, incluidas las plataformas web y de medios sociales. Además, la herramienta de seguimiento de medios should provide insights into what your marketing and communications department could use to improve your existing public relations campaigns.
Implantación de una herramienta de escucha social into your marketing and communications tool stack will automate most of the process.
For example, using Brand24, you can create reports with just a few clicks and get them emailed automatically for a pre-defined period. Life-saver!
Get automated PR reports!
Alternatively, you can try one of these Herramientas de seguimiento de las relaciones públicas.
Análisis de las relaciones públicas
Many public relations software will automatically analyze the collected social media mentions.
A robust analysis section will save you a lot of time, make the results of your PR campaigns more manageable, and bring your public relations efforts to the next level.
¿Qué debe contener el análisis perfecto de las relaciones públicas?
- El volumen de menciones
- Sentimiento
- Reach, both for social media and Web sources
- Participación en las redes sociales
- Contexto del debate
- Fully customizable PDF reports
- Comparison of two or more media monitoring projects
Get all important PR data in one place!
Fuentes de datos de relaciones públicas
Aparte de la parte de análisis de los resultados, hay que echar un vistazo a las fuentes de los datos.
Algunos Herramientas de relaciones públicas se centrarán en los canales de los medios sociales, otros cubrirán sólo las fuentes web. En mi opinión, deberías obtener datos de todas las fuentes, para que tu marketing y comunicación puedan tomar las decisiones más informadas posibles.
¿Qué resultados proporcionará Brand24?
- Major social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Twitch, TikTok, and YouTube
- Publicly available Web sources
- Press releases
- Podcasts
- Boletines
- Sitios de noticias
- Blogs
- Sitios de revisión
- Foros
As you can see, Brand24 has a robust media coverage. This set of media monitoring data will help you make the most informed and insightful decisions for your organization.
Moreover, the data is collected in real-time, and email and in-app notifications will help you stay on top of everything.
Generate your PR report using AI!
Buenas prácticas en los informes de relaciones públicas
You already know a lot about writing a PR report — you know the possibilities of AI tools, that you need to define an audience and determine the type of a PR report, and have an overview of the key metrics that you need to track.
Existen otras buenas prácticas y consejos para la elaboración de informes de relaciones públicas que deberías poner en práctica para tener éxito y demostrar el retorno de la inversión.
01 Clearly define the goals of the PR campaign
Your PR report will only be as good as your PR campaign. That’s why it’s crucial the clearly define the goals of the campaign before you start doing anything. In your reports, you need to present proof that your work is bringing substantial value to your clients’ businesses.
02 Public Relations KPIs
Before you start your PR reporting, you need to agree on key performance indicators with your client.
It’s important to be on the same page when it comes to KPIs so you can track the right metrics all the time. It’s important to start media monitoring before starting your campaign, as collecting historical data is expensive and not always accurate.
03 Visuals
El público destinatario de sus informes suele estar muy ocupado. Para que sus informes sean más comprensibles, incluya algunos elementos visuales, por ejemplo, cuadros, gráficos o tablas. Los elementos visuales facilitarán la demostración del valor comercial de las relaciones públicas para la empresa.
Make your PR reporting effortless!
04 Write your recommendations
La elaboración de informes mensuales le proporciona una ventaja competitiva única. Al tener una visión general de los datos, puede detectar fácilmente las tendencias, identificar los contenidos con mejor rendimiento y proporcionar valiosos comentarios tras eventos especiales y lanzamientos de productos.
That’s an opportunity to add a bit of investigative journalism to your work.
Detectar los puntos de vista le permite ofrecer valiosas recomendaciones sobre cómo ajustar sus esfuerzos de relaciones públicas para aportar aún más valor a sus iniciativas de marketing y comunicación.
Plus, it doesn’t necessarily take much time. You can ask AI for recommendations based on your performance data:
Get AI recommendations for your PR report!
Esperemos que a estas alturas tengas toda la información que necesitas para redactar tu informe de relaciones públicas y mostrar los efectos de tu estrategia de marketing y comunicación en tu empresa.
¿Qué hay que tener en cuenta al elaborar un informe?
- Piense en su público. ¿Quién va a leerlo? ¿Tu jefe o uno de los directivos? Dependiendo del público que elijas, tendrás que aportar distintos datos en tu trabajo.
- Agree on the business metrics and KPIs beforehand. You want to share the top news and show the value of your work. It’s hard to do when your executive or client focuses on different metrics.
- Elige una herramienta de seguimiento de medios. Una herramienta de Software de relaciones públicas will help you get the information you need to boost your business and will save you a ton of time collecting and analyzing the results.
- Provide your business recommendations. That’s one of the most important parts of your PR journey.
Or you can simplify the process and generate a report using AI. Comience con una prueba gratuita de Brand24 and make PR reporting simple!
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