Review Brand24 to Plant 25 Trees

We love our planet. Together with One Tree Planted, we will plant 25 trees
for every verified G2 review.
Let's make Earth a green place.

Write a Review

How to Plant 25 Trees in 3 Steps

 It’s not just a reflection of your experience, it’s a gift that keeps on giving.

Fill out a form

Fill out a form

Complete the form to provide your delivery
details for the certificate.

Leave a review

Leave a review

Write a review about your experience with
Brand24 on G2.

Leave a review

Allow 1-3 days for G2 to review and approve your feedback.

Get certificate

Get certificate

Once approved, enjoy your certificate, along
with the planting of 25 trees.

Why It’s Worth to Take Part?

This heartwarming initiative combines the joy of giving, the spirit of
community, and our shared commitment to the environment.

Trees absorb carbon
and help regulate the

It costs only 7 minutes
of your time

Creditable certificate as
a token of appreciation

You have a chance to
make a difference

A reputable and
transparent charity

Help others learn more about Brand24 and
support the environment by writing
a review on G2

Clients Whose Opinion Carries Dual Impact

  • Effortless Crisis Prevention and Insightful Business Solutions

    This is a fantastic tool that makes life easier by helping us to easily monitor and prevent crises. It is really challenging and sometimes even impossible to collect some of the data without the help of social listening tools.

    Leila K
  • Easy to use and extremely helpful

    What I appreciate most about Brand24 is data exporting. This feature enables me to create highly polished reports for meetings. The detailed reports offer a comprehensive overview of our online presence, tracking key metrics such as brand mentions, social media reach, and sentiment trends. The customer support from Brand24 deserves

    Saanvi S
  • A must-have in my toolkit

    What I appreciate most about Brand24 is its commitment to staying ahead of the curve. The team continually updates the platform with new features and improvements, ensuring that users like me always have the latest tools at their disposal. The customer support is exemplary, with a responsive team that genuinely cares about user satisfaction.

    Kamila P
  • Must have tool for marketing teams

    I’m confident that top-notch product specialists can genuinely enhance their products by heeding their clients’ opinions. Brand24 affords me this chance by overseeing customer feedback on our product throughout the entire internet.

    Sebastian P
    OneTreePlants Certificate

    Get your certificate

    We'd love to ensure you receive your certificate
    without hassle with the trees planted for you. To
    make it happen, we kindly ask to share your
    name and email address.

    One Tree Planted is a trusted non-profit organisation renowned for its global reforestation efforts. We are proud to announce our collaboration with One Tree Planted as a partner in environmental conservation. Through this partnership, Brand24 joins the ranks of esteemed companies committed to positively impacting the planet by supporting tree-planting initiatives. Together, we strive to contribute to the restoration of forests, combat deforestation, and promote sustainability for a greener future.