AI Insights
Ready-to-use insights delivered automatically by the tool. Generated
by advanced algorithms. Featuring charts, metrics, trend analysis,
and strategic recommendations.
Get real-time media monitoring, analyze data,
or ask an AI Brand Assistant for insights.
LOVED BY 4000+
Discover the exceptional AI features created by our team of 6 talented R&D experts who are continuously revolutionizing the market with cutting-edge AI solutions.
Ready-to-use insights delivered automatically by the tool. Generated
by advanced algorithms. Featuring charts, metrics, trend analysis,
and strategic recommendations.
Chat GPT’s smarter alternative.
Chatbot equipped with data from
your monitoring projects. Actually,
you can ask Brand Assistant
about anything.
Quickly check the topics your target audience is discussing. Discover their sentiment, reach, and share of voice. Focus on those topics that matter.
Identify unusual spikes or drops
in the number of mentions. Quickly address potential issues or capitalize
on emerging trends.
Discover emotions the target audience expresses online. Analyze emojis used
in mentions to gain deeper insights into customer feelings.
“Brand24’s new AI features are incredible. I remember spending hours trying to create Insight reports like these. Where now it’s literally at your finger tips. Showing insights for the given period, trends, mentions and sentiment.”
Brand24 tracks and analyzes mentions. Thanks to features like Anomaly Detector, Reach, Sentiment Analysis, and Share of Voice, you’ll always be up to date with your brand.
Brand24 is for those who want to monitor and analyse brands, campaigns, industries, or competitors.
Access AI-driven insights on social media performance, sentiment,
trends, competitors, hashtags, and influencers to optimise strategies and track brand reputation.
Track mentions, find press releases, create clippings, analyze audiences, gather insights, stay updated on trends, measure campaign results, and monitor sentiment changes.
Track the reach and sentiment of media coverage, measure the effectiveness of your campaigns and use this data to demonstrate the value of your efforts to stakeholders with personalised reports.
Manage and protect your brand reputation, understand the context of discussions around your brand, and perform a comprehensive sentiment analysis of your brand mentions.