AI-Driven Cryptocurrency Sentiment Analysis

Internet monitoring tool combined with advanced sentiment analysis working together
to collect online mentions about chosen cryptocurrency, get crypto market insights and anticipate important changes.

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AI-Driven Cryptocurrency
Sentiment Analysis

Internet monitoring tool combined with advanced sentiment analysis working together to collect online mentions about chosen cryptocurrency, get crypto market insights and anticipate important changes.

Analyze Cryptocurrency Sentiment

Analyze Cryptocurrency Sentiment

Brand24 as a online media monitoring tool allows you to collect online mentions containing any crypto-related keyword of your choice (and more!).

Using our tool you can also measure mentions sentiment and find out how people feel about the cryptocurrencies now and in the past.

Monitor Crypto Market Sentiment
How does it work?

How does it work?

We'll collect mentions about chosen cryptocurrency from all around the web and categorize them as:
✅ Positive
❌ Negative
💬 Neutral

You will be able to count those mentions, measure their reach and engagement or compare your brand to your competitors.

Our tool is based on the most recent machine learning algorithms. Thanks to that we can analyze sentiment and understand the word context in more than 90 languages with human-like accuracy!

How can you benefit from using Brand24?

How can you benefit from using Brand24?

🔎 Stay on up-to-date
Monitor what is being said about a given cryptocurrency and use email and in-app notifications to get early trading signal before others.

📈 Gain competitive advantage
Search for potential online media buzz that can have a significant impact on the growing rate of a given cryptocurrency.

📊 Predict crypto market fluctuations
If the cryptocurrency you wanted to invest in recently got tons of negative opinions - you may save a lot of money.

Analyze sentiment with Brand24


The user interface of the tool is brilliant and really intuitive and being able to compare projects to work out share of voice is extremely useful. The fact that it can also be used as a sentiment tracker and an influencer sourcing tool makes it extremely good value for money.

Notice market-relevant events

Notice market-relevant events

On February 6, news began appearing in the media about Warren Buffet's recent meeting with Chinese cryptocurrency entrepreneur Justin Sun.

This meeting caused a large increase in online mentions related to bitcoin as well as a significantly greater number of positive mentions on this topic.

What is important - the following days brought a significant increase in the value of bitcoin on market.

With Brand24 you will be able to observe such global trends, distinguish important news from less relevant ones and make appropriate trading decisions!


Why should you try Brand24?

Thousands customer from over 110 countries monitor internet with us.
Start your trial account and collect first mentions in 2 minutes. It’s easy, free, and there’s no credit card required.

Real-time analysis

Our tool analyze sentiment of mentions immediately after we collect them.

Auto PDF reports

Export your data to PDF (or XLS) and send it directly to your boss/clients.

Mobile app

You can quickly check new mentions and reply to them via mobile app.

Reach statistics

Combine sentiment data with reach, engagement, languages and much more.

Thousands of companies use Brand24 to monitor the web.

Whether you're a one-person business, startup or Fortune 500 company, Brand24 helps you discover your digital footprint worldwide.

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