Fast & easy way to perform comprehensive competition analysis

Simply type your competitor’s name as a keyword to get information any time someone talks about it online.
Analyze data about volume, distribution, and sentiment of mentions about your competition and collect valuable insights.

No credit card required・Free for 14 days・No commitment

Performing competitor analysis is the first step to become an industry leader.

Find Your Competition

In the project creation wizard, enter the keywords related to your industry. You will not only get a list of your competitors, but will also see which companies people recommend and why.


Analyse Online Presence

Use Brand24 to collect information about the volume and distribution of mentions about competition across the web. Check market trends and adjust your online communication.

Understand Mention Value

After collecting mentions about your competition you may think which ones are valuable insights? Combine them with sentiment analysis to check which mentions are positive and which are not.

The user interface of the tool is brilliant and really intuitive and being able to compare projects to work out share of voice is extremely useful. The fact that it can also be used as a sentiment tracker and an influencer sourcing tool makes it extremely good value for money.


Analyze online mentions about your competition

Obviously, the more people see messages about your competition online the highest brand awareness and possible conversions. However, there are more statistics you can analyse!

Discover detailed data about online reach of your competitors. Check which online channels are ones that they pay the most attention to. Learn about their share of voice to understand what part of the whole discussion was generated by specific authors.

Collect valuable insights and implement best practices to your business. Get a significant advantage in areas where your competition has deficiencies!

Compare your performance with competitors

For all your metrics, you need a benchmark. With Brand24 you can compare your results with any chosen competitors. You'll be able to compare the volume of mentions over the days and check any differences in online activity distribution generally.

What is more, you can compare the distribution of mentions with a positive and negative sentiment. In addition, check the context of the discussion which gives you a an overview of the words that are used the most frequently alongside the names of your competitors.

Thanks to the preparation of such a complete competition analysis, you will have a full picture of your competitors' activities and be able to boost your online performance.

Over 100,000 companies use Brand24 to monitor the web.

Whether you're a one-person business, startup or Fortune 500 company,
Brand24 helps you discover your digital footprint worldwide.