Monitor and report your PR activities with media monitoring tool

Monitor mentions with Brand24 to discover what people say about your business all across the web.

Take a look at an example report

Take a look at an example report

Autoamtically generated PDF report, ready to forward to your client or supervisor.

Your brand's reach, mentions volume, and discussions summary. All in one place.

Analyze most popular mentions, most influential sites, trending hashtags and much more on easy-to-read charts.

Wondery logo
Zortax logo
McCann logo
Stanford University logo
Uber logo

Protect your online reputation

Follow up on positive comments from your brand ambassadors & respond to a dissatisfied customer before the story gets ahead of you.

Realtime updates

Get instant alerts for negative mentions and engage key conversations. Find these opinions before your boss will do it.

Get to know your customers

Learn what people like or dislike about your company to improve communication.

Measure your PR / marketing efforts

Track reach & engagement of your mentions. Learn how many people talked about your new campaign.

Analyze sentiment

AI-based data about positive, negative and neutral mentions.

Track press release publications

Find out who published your press release or shared your article. Calculate social and non-social reach.

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Why Brand24?

How Brand24 stands out from all the other brand monitoring tools.

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You're in good company

We work with thousands of brands from over 110 countries.

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World-class customer support

Customer service is not just a department, it is the philosophy behind our entire company.

Identify influencers

Find and engage with influencers and microinfluencers your competitors doesn't even know.

Influencer score

Find out most important mentions from heavy users in real-time.

Storm alerts

You'll never miss important mentions about your brand thanks to the email storm alerts.

Detect sales opportunities

People are asking about products and services online all the time. Reach your potential customers first.

Keyword monitoring

Monitor keywords important in your niche to be where your customers are.

Competitors analysis

Compare your mentions volume and reach to your competitors. Find out new platforms to promote your brand.

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What are people saying?

See why thousands of companies of all sizes use Brand24 to grow their businesses

I've been working with Brand24 since their beta version and I continue to recommend their platform without hesitation. Its sophisticated, yet easy-to-use tool allows you to discover what people are saying about your brand in real time.
Patricia Cunningham

Account Manager in Barker NYC

I've been using Brand24 for the last few years and it is by far
the best monitoring tool on the market.
I’ve compared it against others and they don’t even come close.

Sujan Patel

Founder at MailShake, Growth Marketer & Entrepreneur

I love the Brand24 tool. In addition to be able to see all mentions of my name and brand online, it also provides me the opportunity to get notifications on other brands and keywords I want to follow.

Melonie Dodaro

Social Media Expert & CEO of Top Dog Social Media

At Uber, we use social listening on a daily basis, which allows us to understand how our users feel about the changes we’re implementing. As soon as we introduce a modification, we know which parts of it are greeted with enthusiasm, and which need more work.
Krzysztof Radoszewski

Marketing Lead, Central & Eastern Europe at Uber

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It’s easy to get started

And it's free for 14 days. No credit card, no commitment.
