Try a Powerful Reddit Monitoring Tool!

Monitor subreddits. Grow your brand with our AI-powered Reddit monitoring tool.

Track Reddit posts with the AI-powered Reddit monitoring tool - Brand24

Over 3800 brands use Brand24

 You are in good company.

Real-time monitoring of subreddits

Real-time monitoring of subreddits

There are 2.8 million subreddits. It's impossible to track them manually.

Brand24's real-time monitoring allows you to stay up-to-date with relevant subreddits.

You can join in on conversations and answer comments and mentions.

✅ Track mentions across subreddits
✅ Discover AI-driven insights
✅ Access analytics and reports


How do users review Brand24?

Brand24 allows me to track mentions of my brand, products, or services across social media, blogs, forums, and other online sources in real-time. This helps me stay informed about conversations and respond to customers or potential customers promptly.
Lukasz Z.
SEO Expert and Consultant

Start Reddit Monitoring!

Don’t let important conversations slip through the cracks.

Never miss a conversation again

Never miss a conversation again

Reddit is a dynamic platform where trends, discussions, and opportunities emerge rapidly.

Stay updated with alerts and notifications to engage promptly and effectively.

These notifications can be delivered via email, mobile app notifications, or integrated with your team's communication tools like Slack.

✅ E-mail, mobile, and Slack notifications
✅ Mobile notifications
✅ Advanced filters to sort the data

Track sentiment

Track sentiment

Unlock valuable insights into how Reddit users perceive your brand. Detect customer preferences, desires, and pain points.

Monitor subreddits in real time to identify any issues or negative mentions quickly.

Take proactive steps to address them before they escalate, protecting your brand's reputation.

✅ Monitor the perception of your brand on Reddit
✅ Respond to both positive and negative mentions
✅ Discover the Presence and Reputation Score of your brand

Grow your brand presence

Grow your brand presence

Use the power of monitoring tools to grow your presence on Reddit.

These tools can help you track key metrics such as reach, engagement rates, share of voice, and sentiment.

Additionally, monitoring tools can help you stay up-to-date on trending topics and conversations within your niche, allowing you to participate in relevant discussions and connect with potential followers.

Brand24 is my personal favorite application for listening to our target audience. Also, I utilize Brand24 to monitor the overall performance of marketing campaigns which I do for brands as well as for our company.
Savita M.
Digital Marketing Manager


Reddit is a vibrant platform with millions of active users discussing various topics. By keeping an eye on Reddit, you can gain useful insights into what people say about your brand, industry, products, and competitors. This helps you stay up-to-date on relevant conversations and trends that impact your business. Reddit provides an opportunity to engage directly with your target audience. By monitoring Reddit comments and posts, you can participate in discussions, answer questions, and address concerns.

It’s very simple. First of all, set up your project. Define the keywords and phrases that you want to track on Reddit. These can include your brand name, product name, industry-related terms, or any other relevant keywords that you want to monitor for discussions and mentions. Then access the Brand24 dashboard to view and analyze the collected mentions and discussions. The dashboard provides you with an overview of sentiment analysis, reach, and other relevant metrics. To search for the most relevant Reddit mentions, use the domain filter. Tools like Brand24 allow you to receive alerts to notify you of any increase in mentions. Regularly review the collected data to identify trends, popular topics, and user sentiment. Adjust your tracked keywords to stay relevant and up-to-date with ongoing conversations.

You can track posts that contain keywords you set up for monitoring. Furthermore, you can track the most popular mentions and filter data by time range, sentiment, source, etc. Also, Brand24 will detect the context of discussions. So you can evaluate whether the conversations around tracked Reddit topics are positive, negative, or neutral.

Brand24: A comprehensive social media monitoring tool that includes Reddit tracking. It allows you to monitor mentions, keywords, and sentiment analysis while providing customizable alerts and analytics. Mention: Another popular social media monitoring platform that covers Reddit. Mention offers real-time tracking of keywords and mentions, along with sentiment analysis and the ability to engage with users directly from the platform. Awario: Provides real-time tracking of keywords and mentions on Reddit, allowing you to stay up-to-date with the latest conversations and trends.

Start Reddit Monitoring!

Sign up now to track Reddit mentions. Be part of the discussion about your brand.