Looking For Best Google Alerts Competitors?

Brand24 is an AI-powered social listening and media monitoring tool that tracks more than 25k sources. See why it is one of the top alternatives to Google Alerts!

Try one of the best Google Alerts alternatives!

Why Brand24 may be a better fit for you

Brand24 is here to help companies determine their competitive advantage and increase market share.

Wide social media coverage

Brand24 monitors major social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and more!

Gaining a competitive advantage in your target market is crucial. You can do that with Brand24's advanced analytics features.

Innovative AI upgrades

As AI reshapes the landscape, Brand24 stays ahead by integrating cutting-edge enhancements.

Critical Mention's alternative - Brand24, filter out spam and keeps the important mentions from news sites, blogs, news articles, social media posts and more.

Advanced filtering options

Both Google Alerts and Brand24 can filter mentions, but that’s where similarities end 😉

Whether you need competitive analysis, market research, or brand monitoring, our team is here to support your successful business.

Excellent customer support

Enjoy exceptional customer experience as we assist you from your first project and beyond.

Overall Rating
Average User Rating
Starting Price
Meets requirements
Ease of use
Ease of setup
Quality of support
Product Direction
Social measurement
Influencer Identification
Brand monitoring
Keyword Tracking
Competitor analysis
Custom reports
Trend analysis
Social reporting
Alerts and notifications
Advanced data filtering
Keyword Targeting
Custom Feeds and Alerts
Features available
Social media
AI reports
Topic Analysis
Emoji Analysis
Influencer Score
Reputation Score
Presence Score
Context of discussions
Custom reports
Sentiment analysis
Boolean search
Average User Rating
Starting Price
Meets Requirements
Ease Of Use
Ease Of Setup
Quality Of Support
Product Direction
Social Measurement
Influencer Identification
Brand Monitoring
Keyword Tracking
Competitor Analysis
Custom Reports
Trend Analysis
Social Reporting
Alerts And Notifications
Advanced Data Filtering
Keyword Targeting
Custom Feeds And Alerts
Social Media
Ai Reports
Topic Analysis
Emoji Analysis
Influencer Score
Reputation Score
Presence Score
Context Of Discussions
Custom Reports
Sentiment Analysis
Boolean Search
Average User Rating
Starting Price
Meets Requirements
not enough data available
Ease Of Use
not enough data available
Ease Of Setup
not enough data available
Quality Of Support
not enough data available
Product Direction
not enough data available
Social Measurement
not enough data available
Influencer Identification
not enough data available
Brand Monitoring
not enough data available
Keyword Tracking
not enough data available
Competitor Analysis
not enough data available
Custom Reports
not enough data available
Trend Analysis
not enough data available
Social Reporting
not enough data available
Alerts And Notifications
not enough data available
Advanced Data Filtering
not enough data available
Keyword Targeting
not enough data available
Custom Feeds And Alerts
not enough data available
not enough data available
Social Media
Ai Reports
Topic Analysis
Emoji Analysis
Influencer Score
Reputation Score
Presence Score
Context Of Discussions
Custom Reports
Sentiment Analysis
Boolean Search

Looking for Google Alerts Competitors?

Discover Brand24’s Offerings!

AI-driven features

Unlike Google Alerts, Brand24 constantly optimizes its feature set to deliver only the best results!

Sentiment Analysis defines positive, neutral, and negative mentions for you!

Automatically organize mentions by theme with the Topic Analysis feature.

Our AI-driven automated reports summarize your week and send you insights and recommendations to enhance your brand's performance.

Identify trends and action points with our one-of-a-kind AI-driven features.

Multi-platform coverage

Brand24 enables you to monitor all the sites where your brand may be mentioned online.

Gather all relevant mentions from review sites, discussion forums, newsletters, and news sites.

Check for any buzz about your brand on YouTube and podcast platforms.

Monitor conversations about your brand on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

All secrets of your industry - unlocked with little help of social listening tool.

Go-to analytics tool

Brand24 is more than just a media monitoring tool; it’s a comprehensive analytics platform that provides valuable market insights.

Use the comparison tab to benchmark against competitors or observe period-to-period changes.

Analyze changes in brand sentiment, audience segmentation, or your KPIs with Brand24's custom indicators.

Set up email notifications to consistently track the ups and downs in your marketing efforts.

Biggest competitors, indirect competitors, potential customers - knowledge about all is one of important factors for successful business.

Real-time monitoring and alerts

Protect your brand reputation and catch relevant mentions, even when you’re away from the app’s dashboard!

Create alert notifications and customize them for specific needs, and wait for our email alerts.

You can choose the source and receive alerts via your email or Slack account.

Select specific keywords and projects for Brand24 to monitor closely.

The easiest way to manage your online reputation and mitigate risk is by using a social listening tool.

Trend analysis and insights

Listen to online conversations and transform media mentions into actionable insights.

Track industry keywords to identify trending topics and the emotions behind them.

Use advanced tools like AI Insights and Topic Analysis to spot emerging trends quickly.

Use our custom tools in influencer marketing to spot brand advocates before your competitors.

Get insitant insights about trends from market research, competitive analysis, online reputation management.

Try one of the best Google Alerts alternatives!

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It’s easy to get started

And it’s free, no commitment, no credit card, for 14 days!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is Google Alerts a free tool?

Google Alerts operates on a completely free plan, providing many users with the basic functionality of a media monitoring tool. This includes email notifications about new mentions based on selected keywords. However, it's essential to note that while it is free, Google Alerts doesn't offer many useful features, e.g., social media monitoring or access to historical data, which can be a significant limitation for deeper media analysis.

In comparing Google Alerts pros with a Google Alert alternative like Brand24, it's clear that users seeking a more robust solution would benefit from exploring other options. Brand24 offers a more comprehensive tool that tracks real-time data and provides access to historical insights, enabling businesses to engage more effectively with their audience and measure the impact of their marketing campaigns more accurately. For anyone looking to enhance their media monitoring capabilities beyond the basics, considering an alternative to Google Alerts can be highly advantageous.

Are there free Google Alerts alternatives?

No, no truly free Google Alerts alternatives offer the same level of service without eventually transitioning to a paid version. While some media monitoring tools might advertise themselves as free alternatives, they often provide only basic features and limited capabilities unless upgraded to a paid version. Many of these options include free trials, which allow users to test more advanced features temporarily.

This reality highlights the value proposition of considering a paid tool for comprehensive media monitoring. As an alternative to Google Alerts, paid tools typically offer more robust features, such as deeper insights into how a brand or keyword is mentioned online, which are essential for effective digital strategy and engagement.

For users exploring free Google Alerts alternatives, it's crucial to understand that while initial access may be free, truly expansive media monitoring capabilities are generally found within paid subscriptions. This approach ensures users receive reliable, extensive service that meets their needs for detailed and proactive media tracking.

How does Google Alerts differ from Brand24?

Google Alerts and Brand24 differ significantly in their approach to media monitoring, particularly in the depth and breadth of coverage they provide. Google Alerts functions much like a basic monitoring tool, primarily tracking every single mention across online news sites and delivering a straightforward mentions feed. However, it lacks integration with social media accounts, leading to many irrelevant mentions or missing critical data where much of today's conversations occur.

On the other hand, Brand24 is a more robust Google Alerts alternative, offering features akin to combining Google Analytics and Google Trends. Brand24, as a media monitoring tool, covers social media platforms, online news, and more extensively, providing a comprehensive view of how and where your brand is discussed. This ensures a more relevant and refined feed of mentions and allows for proactive engagement with audiences across various digital landscapes.

For those looking for alternatives to Google Alerts, Brand24 offers enhanced capabilities that go beyond simple notifications. It provides detailed analytics to help users engage more effectively with their audience and monitor their digital footprint across various media outlets and social platforms. This makes Brand24 an invaluable tool for those needing a deeper understanding of their online presence and impact.

What is better: Brand24 or Google Alerts?

When comparing Brand24 and Google Alerts, the choice between the two depends significantly on what you're looking for in a media monitoring tool.

As a free tool, Google Alerts offers basic services suitable for individuals or businesses just beginning to monitor their online presence. It primarily tracks news sites and delivers notifications each time a keyword or phrase appears in the form of an email Google Alert. This can be useful for anyone who needs to keep an eye on simple media mentions without needing detailed analytics or social media monitoring.

Brand24, on the other hand, is a more powerful alternative to Google Alerts, designed for users requiring comprehensive insights into both media and social mentions. Unlike Google Alerts, Brand24 analyzes mentions across various platforms, including social media, which Google Alerts does not cover. This allows for a more detailed understanding of how a brand is perceived in real time, offering tools to engage with the target audience directly from the platform. The ability to monitor social mentions alongside news sites means Brand24 can provide a holistic view of a brand’s digital footprint.

Brand24 also allows for the filtering out of irrelevant results more effectively, ensuring that each alert is meaningful and actionable. This is particularly important for businesses that aim to respond quickly and appropriately to each mention, whether it's a customer inquiry on Twitter or a review on a news site.

In essence, if your focus is on depth of coverage, particularly in the social sphere, and you value having detailed analytics to guide your engagement strategies, Brand24 would likely be the better choice. Google Alerts is a basic, no-cost option for those with minimal monitoring needs or a supplement to more comprehensive tools like Brand24. For anyone serious about media monitoring, especially businesses looking to actively manage their online reputation and engage with their target audience, investing in a tool like Brand24 would be more advantageous.

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