How Learning Platforms Can Track Online Mentions of Their Product

Paulina Wałczyk
September 14, 2021
12 min read

1. About the client

Audible Genius

Audible Genius creates highly interactive training courses to teach synthesis, beatmaking, composition and more. Their courses focus heavily on ear training, with the goal of enabling musicians to make the music they hear and feel.

2. Interview

What do you use Brand24 for?

I monitor my company name, product names, and a specific industry term relevant to one of my products.

What are the examples of collected mentions that give you what you need?

In particular, mentions of my product on Reddit and articles have been particularly helpful.

What is the most important KPI you get from Brand24?

I don’t have a specific measurable metric, but in general Brand24 is helping me stay in tune with what people are saying about my products. Also being able to jump in and recommend my product in Reddit discussions on relevant subjects has proven to generate some extra traffic to my site.

What features do you find most valuable?

I really only use the list of mentions. I do enjoy the ability to filter mentions so that I only see ones since my last login.

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Till the next case study. Toodles!

Waleria Pagowska
Product Marketing Specialist