How to Use Social Listening to Boost Reputation and Drive Growth in Cryptocurrency Industry

Waleria Pągowska
April 11, 2023
20 min read


The case study is about Cryptiony, a cryptocurrency platform that offers a tax reporting system automating the calculation and reporting of cryptocurrency taxes.

Hanna Milczarek, the Chief Marketing Officer, is responsible for managing the company's online reputation and market activity. To succeed, she uses a social listening tool, Brand24, to manage PR collaborations, monitor mentions across various media channels, and prevent potential crisis situations.

Additionally, Hanna monitors keywords related to their field of interest, which helps her identify potential customers and new opportunities for collaboration. By monitoring the actions of competitors, Cryptiony refined its offerings, leading to increased customer satisfaction and retention. As a result, Cryptiony was able to improve its services, adjust its solutions to better address pain points, and establish new partnerships and collaborations.

500 x

increase in reach within two years of using Brand24


collaborations with Influencers


increase in online discussion about Cryptiony

1. About the client

We spoke with:

Hanna Milczarek
Hanna Milczarek
Chief Marketing Officer at Cryptiony


Cryptiony is a cryptocurrency platform that helps users manage their crypto investments efficiently. It provides clients with a tax reporting system, which automates the process of calculating and reporting cryptocurrency taxes. With Cryptiony, users no longer need to worry about the complex and time-consuming task of manually calculating their crypto taxes. By using Cryptiony, users can stay on top of their tax obligations and focus on growing their crypto portfolio with confidence, knowing that their taxes are taken care of accurately and efficiently.

Hanna Milczarek is the Chief Marketing Officer at Cryptiony. With over 10 years of experience in the tech industry, she has a proven track record of driving growth and engagement for both B2B and B2C companies, leveraging various marketing channels and strategies. As CMO at Cryptiony, Hanna is responsible for developing and executing the platform's marketing strategy, overseeing brand management and awareness, and driving user acquisition and retention efforts. She provided us with insightful information about how social listening can be beneficial for businesses focused on cryptocurrency. 

The data collected by Brand24 definitely helps improve our service because we monitor user opinions and suggestions. Thanks to Brand24, we know who is discussing cryptocurrency tax reporting on YouTube and we establish partnerships by showing the benefits of automation in this area.

Hanna Milczarek

CMO at Cryptiony

2. Problem

As the Chief Marketing Officer at Cryptiony, Hanna faced a significant challenge in keeping track of the company's online reputation and market activity.

With the rapid growth of the cryptocurrency industry, it became increasingly difficult for Hanna to stay informed about what was happening in the market and to monitor what was being said about Cryptiony online.

The cryptocurrency market is highly competitive, and staying on top of what competitors were doing was crucial for Cryptiony's success. However, with so many players in the market, it was challenging to keep track of all the relevant information and insights.

Furthermore, with the rise of social media and online forums, it was becoming increasingly important to monitor what was being said about Cryptiony online. Negative comments or reviews could have a significant impact on the company's reputation and could potentially deter possible users or investors from using the platform.

Overall, Hanna's challenge was gaining insights into market trends, competitor activity, and online reputation while keeping up with the fast-paced and ever-evolving cryptocurrency industry. It was a daunting task that required a comprehensive and strategic approach to social listening and market intelligence. 

3. Solution

Online reputation management

Hanna faced the challenge of managing the online reputation of the cryptocurrency agency, particularly on Twitter, where customers are very active. To improve customer relations, she came up with the solution of using a social listening tool to track mentions of the brand online. Brand24 was especially useful in managing PR collaborations, and tracking mentions across various media channels. With the project set on the ‘Cryptonity’ keyword, they could easily gather, analyze and respond to each and every mention collected by the tool.


Reputation Score for the Cryptiony platform. Source: Brand24

This helped Hanna and her team to engage in conversations about the company, respond to inquiries about taxation and discounts, and put out any potential fires that could damage the company's reputation. By using the social listening tool, Hanna was able to prevent crisis situations and maintain a positive image for Cryptiony. She noted that without such a tool, it would be nearly impossible to keep track of all the mentions of the company online. Thanks to Brand24, she could easily manage her online reputation and focus on growing the company's brand presence.

We are looking for mentions of our brand to prevent crisis situations, to put out fires promptly, and to engage in important conversations regarding our business.

Hanna Milczarek

CMO at Cryptiony

Market analysis

Apart from using a social listening tool to manage the online reputation of Cryptiony, another solution Hanna Milczarek came up with was to monitor keywords related to their field of interest, such as "cryptocurrency tax." This helped her team identify who is speaking on this topic, which media outlets are interested in this area, and who they can potentially collaborate with. 

Example of qute gathered by Brand24. Source: Brand24

As a B2B company, they offer services to tax law firms, legal-tax firms, and accounting offices to manage the tax liabilities of their clients. If Hanna sees that a tax law firm has published an article about cryptocurrency taxation, it indicates to her team that they may have cryptocurrency clients and are potential customers for their services. By monitoring keywords, Hanna can track and identify new opportunities for collaborations, which helps Cryptiony to expand its business and stay on top of its game.

Market research definitely increases the number of partnerships, which translates into business results. Thanks to Brand24, we have established about ten partnerships with influencers.

Hanna Milczarek

CMO at Cryptiony

Competitive analysis

By monitoring and analyzing the actions of its competitors, the Cryptiony team was able to gain valuable insights into the market trends and pain points of its customers. By studying the strategies, pricing, and marketing efforts of its competitors, Cryptiony could adjust its own solutions to remain competitive in the market.

An example of a negative comment about competition. Source: Brand24


This helped them to refine their offerings and better meet the needs of their customers, ultimately leading to increased customer satisfaction and retention. Through competitive analysis, Hanna was able to keep Cryptiony ahead of the curve in the ever-changing world of cryptocurrency and stay on top of the latest developments in the industry.

We monitor foreign competition, which helps us understand their pain points and thus streamline our service.

Hanna Milczarek

CMO at Cryptiony

4. Results

The results of these efforts have been significant for Cryptiony.

Using a range of social listening tools and analytics platforms, Hanna was able to track conversations about Cryptiony online and gain insights into how users perceived the brand. This helped her to identify areas for improvement and develop targeted messaging and content strategies to address any negative perceptions. They were able to use customer feedback to improve their service and adjust their solutions accordingly. Thanks to holistic marketing activities supported by media monitoring, they managed to significantly (almost 500 times) increase their reach and the number of mentions within two years.

Summary of Cryptiony's results from the first month of using Brand24 (March 2021) with current results (March 2023).

Additionally, by leveraging market intelligence tools, such as Brand24, Hanna was able to keep tabs on what Cryptiony's competitors were doing and identify potential opportunities for growth and expansion. She was also able to identify the pain points of Cryptonity’s potential customers and make changes to better address those issues. 

The team also saw success in establishing new partnerships and collaborations. By identifying key players in the cryptocurrency tax space through their keyword strategy, they were able to partner with influencers and others to promote their services. In fact, they established around 10 partnerships with influencers thanks to their efforts. 

These results have translated into improved business outcomes, including increased partnerships and greater success in helping clients navigate the complexities of cryptocurrency taxation. And that ended up with increased brand awareness and engagement, as well as a more informed and effective marketing strategy for the platform.

The main benefit for me is that Brand24 does the impossible, such as monitoring all mentions and relationships related to our brand and our keywords.

Hanna Milczarek

CMO at Cryptiony

5. Recommendations

Still not sure how those solutions can be translated to your business? Here are some pinpoints that can help you improve your marketing strategy:

1. Use social listening tools to manage online reputation: A social listening tool like Brand24 can help companies track mentions of their brand online and engage in conversations with customers, responding to inquiries and complaints and putting out potential fires that could damage their reputation.

Sentiment chart for the Cryptiony platform. Source: Brand24


2. Monitor keywords related to the business: By monitoring keywords related to the company's field of interest, businesses can identify potential customers and new opportunities for collaboration. This helps to expand their business and stay on top of their game.

'Crypto tax' project for Cryption account. Source: Brand24


3. Use social listening tools to manage PR collaborations: A social listening tool like Brand24 is especially useful in managing PR collaborations and tracking mentions across various media channels. This can help businesses maintain a positive image and prevent crisis situations.

The most popular sources and sites for the "Cryptiony" project. Source: Brand24


4. Conduct competitive analysis: By monitoring and analyzing the actions of competitors, businesses can gain valuable insights into market trends and the pain points of their customers. This helps to refine their offerings and better meet the needs of their customers, ultimately leading to increased customer satisfaction and retention.

Comparison of Cryption's and competitor's actions. Source: Brand24


5. Leverage insights gained from social listening and competitive analysis: By leveraging insights gained from social listening and competitive analysis, businesses can adjust their solutions to remain competitive in the market, establish new partnerships and collaborations, and refine their offerings to address pain points better.


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Till the next case study. Toodles!

Waleria Pagowska
Product Marketing Specialist