Looking For Best Keyhole Competitors?

Brand24 is an AI-powered social listening tool that tracks +25k sources. See why it is one of the top alternatives for Keyhole!

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Why Brand24 may be a better fit for you

Brand24, a social media monitoring tool trusted by many, offers comprehensive analysis and real-time insights into digital conversations.

Trusted by many​

Join 4k+ companies of all sizes and analyze online conversations with our online monitoring and social media listening platform.

Brand24 offers value for money, helping companies determine their competitive edge and outperform competitors with our service.

Value for money​

Optimize your social media marketing costs with our efficient and affordable tool. Try advanced features and work-of-art AI solutions provided by Brand24.

Brand24 offers superior social media analytics across various social media channels compared to Critical Mention.

Comprehensive monitoring​

Track and optimize your social media marketing campaigns, benchmark against competitors, and track trends with our web and social media monitoring tool.

The platform offers users comprehensive media monitoring solutions, empowering brands to effectively track and analyze their online presence.

Simple learning process​

Master this media monitoring solution easily, thanks to comprehensive tutorials and walk-through videos for our intuitive social listening tool.

Overall Rating *
Average User Rating
Starting Price
Meets requirements
Ease of use
Ease of setup
Quality of support
Product Direction
Social measurement
Influencer Identification
Brand monitoring
Keyword Tracking
Competitor analysis
Custom reports
Trend analysis
Social reporting
Alerts and notifications
Advanced data filtering
Keyword Targeting
Custom Feeds and Alerts
Features available
Social media
AI reports
Topic Analysis
Emoji Analysis
Influencer Score
Reputation Score
Presence Score
Context of discussions
Custom reports
Sentiment analysis
Boolean search
Average User Rating
Starting Price
Meets Requirements
Ease Of Use
Ease Of Setup
Quality Of Support
Product Direction
Social Measurement
Influencer Identification
Brand Monitoring
Keyword Tracking
Competitor Analysis
Custom Reports
Trend Analysis
Social Reporting
Alerts And Notifications
Advanced Data Filtering
Keyword Targeting
Custom Feeds And Alerts
Social Media
Ai Reports
Topic Analysis
Emoji Analysis
Influencer Score
Reputation Score
Presence Score
Context Of Discussions
Custom Reports
Sentiment Analysis
Boolean Search
Average User Rating
Starting Price
Meets Requirements
Ease Of Use
Ease Of Setup
Quality Of Support
Product Direction
Social Measurement
Influencer Identification
Brand Monitoring
not enough data available
Keyword Tracking
not enough data available
Competitor Analysis
not enough data available
Custom Reports
not enough data available
Trend Analysis
not enough data available
Social Reporting
Alerts And Notifications
not enough data available
Advanced Data Filtering
not enough data available
Keyword Targeting
not enough data available
Custom Feeds And Alerts
not enough data available
not enough data available
Social Media
Ai Reports
Topic Analysis
Emoji Analysis
Influencer Score
Reputation Score
Presence Score
Context Of Discussions
Custom Reports
Sentiment Analysis
Boolean Search

*Check the comprehensive comparison and customers' reviews! Visit G2!

Searching for Keyhole replacement?

Look no further & see what Brand24 has to offer

AI-driven features

Save yourself time and resources thanks to our innovative AI solutions that will bring your marketing game to the next level.

Use the power of Topic Analysis to uncover deep, actionable insights about your brand and the market landscape

Elevate your social media strategy with AI Insights, offering profound understanding and guidance.

Identify and collaborate with key influencers in your domain to initiate impactful social campaigns, driving your brand's message forward effectively and efficiently.

Multi-platform coverage

With Brand24, you can monitor multiple social networks, blogs, forums, streaming platforms, and more for full web coverage!

Track different online sources simultaneously to get valuable insights about your target group and market.

Track different online sources simultaneously to get valuable insights about your target group and market.

Use social networking sites to converse with your audience to boost your brand's social presence.

All secrets of your industry - unlocked with little help of social listening tool.

Go-to analytics tool

Thanks to AI solutions, real-time monitoring and insightful features, Brand24 offers complex marketing analytics data exceeding traditional media listening platforms.

Benefit from social media analytics to boost your social media presence.

Base your strategic decision-making or critical business decisions on trustful and complete data.

Analyze spikes from organic sources that Google Analytics can't give you answers for.

Do not allow your competitors get ahed of you. Base business decisions on reliable benchmarks.

Real-time monitoring and alerts

With its social listening capabilities, Brand24 allows you to track online conversations for instant audience insights.

With its social listening capabilities, Brand24 allows you to track online conversations for instant audience insights.

Track your social media performance with real-time data from our Mention Tab.

Use AI-driven Sentiment Analysis to monitor positive and negative feedback from social media conversations.

The easiest way to manage your online reputation and mitigate risk is by using a social listening tool.

Trend analysis and insights

Brand24 is a web and social media monitoring tool that can easily answer any questions or doubts about your industry.

Track customer conversations to understand their pain points and gather actionable insights.

Compare projects and periods to improve your brand's social marketing intelligence.

Use our digital listening platform to spot trends in the industry.

Try one of the best Keyhole alternatives!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why is social media listening important for my brand?

Social media listening is crucial for your brand for several reasons, all of which revolve around the effective use of a social media monitoring tool. Firstly, by tracking social media posts across multiple social networks, this tool provides a comprehensive view of what is being said about your brand online. This is not limited to just posts mentioning your brand directly; it also includes indirect references and broader industry conversations. This level of monitoring allows you to gauge public perception and respond appropriately.

Social media analytics play a pivotal role in this process. They don't just track the volume of mentions or the reach of your posts; they delve into the nuances of engagement, sentiment, and demographic data. This level of detail helps you understand not just how many people are talking about your brand, but who they are, what they're saying, and how they feel about it.

Another aspect to consider is the breadth of coverage. By encompassing multiple social networks, social listening ensures that you have a holistic view of your brand's social media presence. Different platforms attract different audiences and foster different types of conversations. By monitoring these platforms, you can tailor your strategy to each network's unique environment and audience.

Social media messages, including comments, direct messages, and reviews, are often direct lines of communication from your audience to your brand. They can provide immediate feedback on your products, services, and marketing efforts. Social listening tools can help you aggregate and analyze these messages, turning a stream of potentially overwhelming information into actionable insights.

Finally, social listening is about more than just monitoring; it’s about actively engaging with your audience. By understanding the sentiments and conversations happening around your brand, you can participate in these conversations in a meaningful way, build relationships with your audience, and even influence public perception.

Social listening, powered by a robust monitoring tool, is essential for understanding and enhancing your brand's presence across various platforms. It allows you to capture a comprehensive picture of your audience's opinions and behaviors, engage with them effectively, and ultimately shape your brand's strategy in a way that resonates with your target audience.

How do I decide which social listening tool best fits my company?

Deciding which social listening tool is the best fit for your company involves carefully evaluating several key factors centered around the specific needs of your social media accounts and the overall goals of your social media management strategy.

Firstly, consider the tool's compatibility with your existing social media accounts and channels. A good social listening tool should seamlessly integrate with the platforms where your company is most active. This ensures you can effectively monitor conversations and interactions across all relevant social media channels without missing crucial data.

Social media analytics capabilities are another critical aspect. The ideal tool should provide comprehensive analytics that goes beyond basic metrics like likes and shares. Look for features that offer in-depth insights into audience behavior, engagement trends, and sentiment analysis. These analytics can help you understand what is being said and how your audience feels about your brand and products.

Regarding social media management, the tool you choose should enhance, not complicate, your workflow. Consider how the tool integrates with your current management processes. Does it offer features like automated reporting, real-time alerts, or integration with other marketing tools? The right social listening tool should make it easier for you to manage your social media channels efficiently.

Additionally, consider the scalability of the tool. As your company grows, so will your social media presence. Your chosen tool should be able to accommodate an increase in social media channels, accounts, and the volume of interactions. This scalability ensures that the tool remains useful and effective as your business expands.

Lastly, factor in ease of use and support services. The user interface should be intuitive, making it easy for your team to navigate and utilize all its features. Also, consider the quality of customer support provided. Good support can significantly ease the learning curve and promptly address any issues.

In summary, your company's best social listening tool should offer comprehensive integration with your social media accounts and channels, provide in-depth social media analytics, enhance your social media management processes, be scalable to grow with your business, and be user-friendly with reliable customer support. Evaluating these factors will guide you in choosing a tool that fits your current needs and supports your long-term social media strategy.

How does Keyhole differ from Brand24?

When comparing Keyhole and Brand24, both positioned as prominent social media management tools, there are several differences to consider, particularly in the context of their roles as a social media analytics tool and a social media monitoring platform.

Keyhole primarily focuses on advanced analytics and tracking, making it a robust social media analytics tool. It offers detailed insights into hashtag performance, influencer analytics, and competitive analysis. These features are particularly valuable for companies looking to delve deep into data-driven strategies, especially in campaigns relying heavily on hashtags and influencer partnerships. Keyhole's strength lies in its ability to provide comprehensive metrics and trends, helping businesses understand the impact of their social media strategies.

On the other hand, Brand24 strongly emphasizes the media monitoring aspect. While it also offers analytics, its core feature is the real-time monitoring of social media platforms. Brand24 is adept at tracking mentions, analyzing sentiment, and providing alerts on relevant conversations to your brand. This real-time monitoring capability is crucial for businesses prioritizing immediate engagement with their audience, crisis management, and maintaining a proactive stance in their interactions.

Both Keyhole and Brand24 support various social media platforms, but their approach and primary functionalities differ. Keyhole is more analytics-oriented, providing detailed reports and insights that guide strategic decisions. Brand24, in contrast, excels in monitoring and alerting businesses about real-time activities and conversations on social media, enabling quick responses and engagement.

While both Keyhole and Brand24 are effective online management tools, their differences lie in their primary focus. Keyhole is more analytics-centric, ideal for data-driven strategies and deep insights, whereas Brand24 emphasizes real-time monitoring and engagement, making it more suitable for businesses that need to stay on top of ongoing conversations and immediate audience interactions on social media.

What is better: Brand24 or Keyhole?

Determining whether Brand24 or Keyhole is better for your needs depends on the specific requirements of your digital marketing strategy and how these platforms align with your goals in using social media services.

Brand24 excels as a social media management platform, particularly for businesses focused on real-time social media monitoring. It's ideal for companies that prioritize immediate engagement and responsiveness. If your marketing strategy involves closely tracking brand mentions, managing public relations in real-time, and maintaining a proactive stance in your social media interactions, Brand24 might be the better choice. Its strength enables businesses to detect and react to conversations about their brand swiftly.

Keyhole, on the other hand, stands out among social media analytics tools. It's particularly useful for businesses that base their marketing strategy on data-driven insights. If your focus is on measuring the impact of your social media campaigns, understanding audience behavior, or conducting in-depth competitor analysis, Keyhole could be more beneficial. It provides comprehensive analytics, making tracking performance metrics easier and optimizing your strategies on various social media channels.

The better choice between Brand24 and Keyhole depends on the specific needs of your digital marketing strategy. If your priority is real-time monitoring and engagement on social media, Brand24 is likely more suited to your needs. However, Keyhole might be the more appropriate choice if you require deep analytics to guide and refine your strategies across top social media platforms.

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