Try a Powerful X (Twitter) Monitoring Tool!

Monitor Twitter mentions and hashtags. Try an AI-powered monitoring tool to get valuable insights.

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Twitter monitoring tool

Over 3800 brands use Brand24

 You are in good company.

Boost your Twitter profile

Boost your Twitter profile

Get insights from your Twitter presence
Find the top trending hashtags and most active public Twitter profiles. Discover the context of a discussion.

Measure the most important Twitter metrics
Social media reach, the share of voice, engagement, AVE, Presence Score and many more.

Monitor mentions all across the web
Track Twitter, Instagram, Quora, YouTube, Reddit, TikTok, Twitch, and Telegram, news sites, blogs, forums, Medium, reviews, newsletters, and podcasts.


How do users review Brand24?

Brand24 is my favorite tool for listening to my audience. I run a popular Twitter chat and use Brand24 to see who my most engaged participants are. I also use Brand24 to track the performance of marketing campaigns that I do for brands and for my own business.
Ivana T.
Marketing Expert

Start Twitter Monitoring

Use the power of social media listening to unlock the full potential of Twitter.

Never miss a brand mention again

Never miss a brand mention again

Twitter users send about 867 million (!) Tweets daily.

Find the relevant mentions easily. Use advanced filters to sort data by importance, time range, source, sentiment, popularity, domain, author, and tags.

Set up e-mail, mobile or Slack notifications to be up-to-date.
✅ Powerful filters to sort the data
✅ E-mail, mobile and Slack notifications
✅ Mobile app to deliver data at your fingertips

Track multiple Twitter hashtags

Track multiple Twitter hashtags

Track all public Twitter mentions containing hashtags.

Discover whether the sentiment of a hashtag is positive, neutral or negative.   

Filter mentions by:
✅ source,
✅ authors,
✅ popularity, 
✅ date range,
✅ sentiment.

Use trending hashtags to grow your Twitter profile

Use trending hashtags to grow your Twitter profile

Hashtags play a significant role on Twitter.

Brand24 is a Twitter monitoring tool that can help you find the most popular hashtags in your industry.

✅ Find the trending Twitter hashtags dedicated to your brand and business niche.
✅ Add them to your posts and gain a higher reach and engagement.

Track Twitter Metrics

Track Twitter Metrics

Brand24 allows you to follow many metrics to boost your online presence such as:

Twitter Sentiment
Sentiment analysis will assess your mentions and categorise them to positive, negative, or neutral.

Social Media Reach
Check out an estimated number of Twitter users who might have stumbled upon a tweet containing your keyword.

Twitter Engagement
Check out what type and volume of engagement like comments, likes or shares your tweets are generating.

... and much more! It all comes down to monitoring data on an ongoing basis, analyzing and drawing conclusions to improve your actions on Twitter!

Start Trial!
Brand24 not only can look into mentions of your brand and products but also can help you find new customers and business possibilities. Notifications work perfect, e-mail alerts work great, reports in PDF are just so pretty that you want to send them further to your customers, without any corrections. Also, it provides with many interesting results you wouldn't find on your own.
Kinga O.
Community Manager


Twitter monitoring is the process of tracking Twitter mentions to gather insights or take action. You can do it manually by searching for specific keywords and hashtags or by using a Twitter monitoring tool, which is a more efficient way. Social media monitoring tools offer useful features to track brand mentions, hashtags, or any keywords you wish automatically. Also, such tools provide advanced analytics and key metrics such as social media reach, share of voice, sentiment analysis, influencer score, presence score, AVE, etc. By monitoring Twitter, businesses can quickly respond to customer service issues, collect feedback, and track competitor activity. Twitter monitoring can also be used to generate leads, build relationships, and increase brand awareness.

Twitter conversations can provide valuable insights into what people are talking about, what they’re interested in, and what they think about your brand. You can make more informed decisions about your Twitter marketing strategy by listening to these conversations in real-time. Additionally, Twitter monitoring can help you understand what topics and hashtags are trending among your target audience. Finally, Twitter tracking can help you to stay ahead of the competition. By monitoring competitors on Twitter, you can see what people say about them and their products. This information can help you adjust the marketing strategy and stay one step ahead.

Brand24 is a social media monitoring tool that tracks Instagram, Twitter, Quora, YouTube, Reddit, TikTok, Twitch, Facebook and Telegram. That’s not everything. The tool monitors news sites, blogs, forums, Medium, reviews, newsletters, and podcasts. Furthermore, the tool estimates social media and non-social reach.

To start monitoring Twitter with Brand24, set up a project and select the keywords you want to track. Then, in the Mentions tab, Brand24 will gather online mentions including these keywords. You can sort them by source, importance, popularity, sentiment, date range, and other filters.

With Brand24, you can track the volume of mentions, trending hashtags, most active sites/profiles, most-sharable links, sentiment analysis (AI-powered), word cloud (context of the discussion), presence score, AVE (advertising value equivalency), social media engagement and reach, and non-social reach.

Start Twitter Monitoring