2. Interview
What does Dealavo use Brand24 for?
At Dealavo, we use Brand24 primarily to track mentions about our brand. What I mean are not only opinions about our services, but also mentions about the reports that we helped in creating.
In the last months, we have cooperated with such companies as Deloitte or TechRadar by delivering them reliable data about prices in e-commerce. Based on that data, interesting reports were published - readers could learn what the level of discounts on Black Friday was or about the price level of some products. Some of these reports were then cited in several articles.
Thanks to Brand24, we could see which websites mentioned the reports and which information they found the most relevant. We treated it as a form of feedback - it inspired us to write more about topics that our readers found relevant.
For example, after noticing the popularity of our analysis about prices on Allegro and Amazon in Poland, we have decided to prepare a similar report - a comparison between prices and competition on Google Shopping and Ceneo.