8 Powerful Tools That Make You Master in Keyword Research

7 min read

If you have great stuff to sell or to show the world, than you must have to tell everybody that you have got something amazing for them!

But how will you know what your audience is looking for? You have to be in your potential audience’s head to know what is cooking in their mind and gain their attention.

First step to reach your potential clients is “Keyword Research” – I know it is not a new term for you.

Keyword is a phrase which a person types in the search engine to find information or to buy anything. You have to select those keywords which your spectators are looking for.

And off course, if you want to catch eyes of your customers, than you have to be in the top of the search engine results from your potential keywords.

Finding right keywords is the key to successful SEO strategy. If you are able to find just right keywords than half of your journey to a successful content strategy has been completed.

In this guide to keyword research, I’m going to tell you how to do keyword research like a pro without spending a single penny.

What Tools Make You Master in Keyword Research?

1. Use Google Keyword Planner tool to find the relevant keywords.

I understand you all know about it, but I think we all should understand how to use this tool in the right way to get a list of perfect keywords.

If you are newbie for this tool and never have used this tool before, you are at right place, you are about to learn how to use Google. First of all, you must have a Google account to use this tool, if you don’t have one than create it.(Don’t worry, it’s free).

Following are the steps, by which you will know how this tool can be a gold mine of keywords:

  • Make a list of essential and suitable topics about your business.
  • Open Google Keyword Planner Tool and sign-in into it.
  • Enter your topics one by one from your list and select the location where you want get your audience from.
  • Enter your landing page for which you are doing keyword research. (Pro Tip: You may also enter the landing page of your competitor to steal their keywords ;))
  • Select a relevant category and hit get ideas.
  • I prefer enabling “only show closely related ideas” from keyword options.

Keyword research is not limited to using the Google Keyword planner only.  There are many other ways also to find the relevant keywords for your website.

You can use following methods to do keyword research more efficiently:

2. Use related search term on Google

It is one of the best ways for finding long tail keywords. For example, I searched for one of my keywords LCD Monitor.

Google also shows numerous relevant keywords in search related terms’ section. You may also use them as your targeted keywords.

I can use keywords like, LCD monitor price, best LCD monitor, LCD monitor repair from the above search related terms.

3. Google autocomplete

Google autocomplete are the list of search predictions done by the Google while a searcher is typing in the search box.

Google autocomplete also helps in finding useful and quality keywords.

As shown in the above screen shot, I can use LCD monitor repair, lcd monitor stand, lcd monitor lifespan, lcd monitor sizes, lcd monitor deals.

Keywords from Google autocomplete sometimes work like a treasure-trove. You may also search for related keywords of these related keywords and you will end-up finding those quality keywords which are having less competition.

4. Use forums and boards

This trick was introduced by backlink guru Brian Dean. It is one of the most valuable and easiest ways to find those keywords for which people usually search for.

Search for your keyword + Forum on Google and you will find out the list of discussions related to your topic. Check out some active threads and you will end-up finding some keywords in their topics.

It is the effective way because, usually people search on the web before asking on question on these forums. If they don’t get their answers, only than they ask them on the forums.

By this way, you will be able to include answers to those questions which are usually not available on the web and also the keywords which people actually search for.

5. Use Ubersuggest

Ubersuggest is amongst the easiest free keyword suggestion tools. This tool not only helps in driving traffic but also helps in increasing affiliate income.

I know you are wondering how to use Ubersuggest to find the relevant keywords. .

It’s very simple, let me tell you how.

  • Just go to Ubersuggest.
  • Insert your topic in Query box, select language and select your target market.

You may also get keywords suggestions either from regular Web search or from search verticals like Shopping, News, Recipes or Video.

  • Select the keywords you like from the list by clicking ‘plus’ button.
  • Click on “Get” button on the right and copy the list.
  • A dialogue box will open like below. Just copy and paste them in your excel sheet.

Isn’t it as simple as I told you in the beginning? Just start using this tool and enjoy the loads of traffic on your website.

6. Use Keywordtool.io to mine keywords…

Just like Ubbersuggest, io is also an easy to use keyword research tool.

It provides keyword suggestions from Google, Youtube, Bing and App Store.

Just select the search engine you want to get keywords from, and type-in your keyword and select the location and language from the drop down and hit the search icon.

Keywordtool.io provides the list of keywords for free. Just select the keywords you like from the checkbox available on the left side of every keyword.

When you are done, just copy the selected keywords by clicking on the copy button available on the lower-right corner.

7. … or/and Soovle

Soovle is also a good choice for hunting some best keywords.

It provides suggestion from all major providers including Wikipedia, Amazon, Yahoo, Bing, Answers.com and Youtube.

Searching in Soovle is as simple as spreading butter on bread. Just type a search term and click on Soovle, you will get the related search ideas based from all of the above mentioned providers.

Soovled link is the link of the search result which comes first when someone search on the respective providers.

You can move the search engines and change the Soovled link by the right arrow key or clicking on the icon.

On the upper left corner you will following see three icons.

By clicking the star icon, you will see the list of the most popular keywords which are in trend on the date you are searching.

The book icon is for the saved suggestions. You can drag and drop the keywords which you want to save by using this feature. After saving all keywords you can email them, take printout, download the keywords in a text file or see the Google trends.

By the download icon, you can download all the suggestion in a .csv format.

Hence, Soovle.com is not just a keyword research tool it is much more than that.

You can see trending keywords, search for the trend of selected keywords and also find out the keyword suggestions from the major search engines at one place.

8. Use Quora directly

You may be wondering how to use com for searching the keywords.

But I look at Quora as a goldmine of those who love to share their knowledge or opinion about any topic.

That means, like discussion in forums, questions at quora.com can also be used as keywords.

As mentioned above, I searched for LCD monitor, I can use “what are some LCD monitors with HDMI ports”, “What LCD monitors are safer for the eyes” as my long tail keywords.

For using Quora, you must have to have an account on Quora.com. Sign-in into it and search for your keyword from the search box at the top.

So, what are you waiting for? Just follow the above mentioned techniques of keyword research and mention the results in the comments.

If you know any other tactic to find quality keywords than please share it in the comments because sharing is caring.

About Author:

Shubhanshi is an internet marketing strategist and helping her clients in driving business online. She is keen of learning and sharing new tactics for generating leads and improving the visibility of a business on the web. You may follow her on Twitter: @shubhanshi_agg


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