6 Online Marketing Predictions & Trends For 2015 That You Should Know About
Another year went by and now it’s high time you considered next moves in marketing for 2015. The online environment is transforming instantly, moving towards some directions and receding from others. What will the year 2015 bring for the industry? Everyone is now struggling to answer this question and so are we. Read on to find out what you can expect in online marketing in 2015.
1. Mobile Prevalence
This trend has been already visible, but in 2015 we expect even bigger expansion of mobile technologies. People use their mobile devices for plenty of activities in their everyday life. And it is not only about smartphones. Wearables industry will bloom, creating a huge potential of growth for brands. It will implicate rapid growth of spending for mobile ads also.
2. Globalization To Personalization, Personalization To Customization
Customers will expect even more personalized products and services. The challenge will be to differentiate yourself from competitors by providing added value and individual approach in every aspect. As people leave more data on the web than ever, marketers will use this information to increase their efficiency in marketing. It will lead to micro-targeting and one-to-one approach in marketing communication.
3. Brands As Publishers
Content marketing will be even more important source of conversions for brands. Companies will focus on creating high-quality, valuable and inspiring content, which not only attracts people, but also engage them for a long term. Company blogs as a crucial channel will generate much more leads than ever.
4. Rise Of Online Advertising
The web is a perfect place that gives marketers numerous opportunities for targeting specific audience, segmentation and tracking possibilities. With a growth of social media platforms marketers will have more accurate and advanced techniques for their marketing activities. Thus they will allocate significant part of budget to Internet and mobile advertising.
5. Expansion Of Video
We have already seen the growing trend of using videos for marketing purposes in recent years and it will swell in 2015. More brands will create videos to educate their clients, promote products and services and increase fans’ engagement.
6. Marketing Automation And Analytics More Crucial Than Ever
Economics of marketing will challenge marketers in 2015. In order to be effective they will have to optimize their activities. Thus marketing automation and analytic tools will gain on its importance. In the times of big data and loads of information marketers will need specialized software and tools to make use of it easily and quickly.
Extra: 6 hints that you should follow in 2015
- Adjust your marketing strategies to mobile devices. Remember that not every content has the same application for computers and mobile devices.
- Personalize your products and services, making each client feeling special. An access to big data and excessive information about Internet users gives you an opportunity to target, segment and track your audience more precisely.
- Create valuable content that not only attract people but also engage them and keep for long term.
- Invest in online advertising smartly. Allocate your budget on platforms that are the most effective for your brand.
- Include videos in your fixed content marketing strategy. This year will definitely be the year of videos.
- Marketing automation and analytic tools are a must nowadays. Use specialized software for your marketing activities and integrate tools that you are using. Take the most of the opportunities that they offer you.
Those trends and predictions for 2015 will definitely leave the field clear for marketers in online environment. If you have anything to add, don’t hesitate to comment.
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