How To Use Quora And Seriously Boost Your Online Visibility
There’s no better way to finding new clients online then by showing yourself as someone capable of solving their problems.
This is basically the central idea behind content marketing – addressing these problems in your content, you’ll be building a strong brand for yourself and proving that you’re a great problem-solver in the field.
One good way to start is by answering questions asked directly by your target audience. That’s where Quora comes in – it’s a platform practically built for this kind of interaction. Here are some good reasons why you should include Quora in your content marketing campaigns, and how to make the most from this medium to boost your online visibility.
Why Quora?
Let’s get one thing clear – crafting a Quora answer is much less time-consuming than writing a blog post. Still, a Quora answer is longer and way more insightful than a short tweet or Facebook post. Quora has an amazingly high search rank, so it’s more than likely that your answers will pop up on the first pages of Google searches.
So, how long should be an ideal Quora answer? My experience tells me that it needs to be at least 150 words long, but not exceed 1000 words. At RightHello, we usually end up with about 500-word answers – it’s just enough to sketch the context for the answer and add some real value.
As you can see from these examples, depending on what sort of niche you want to address a quality answer can get you anything from thousands to hundreds of thousands of views. And that’s a lot of people who might be reading your content and getting to know your brand.
Naturally, all this interest potentially translates into more web traffic. That’s why it’s worth to add CTA links in your answers to help users find your website and learn more about your brand. But don’t make it your focus – build your answers around value first and you’ll be on your way to making the most from Quora.
Quora action plan
Quora is about much more than just answering questions posted in your industry and waiting for marketing magic to happen. Your first step is to craft answers full of valuable insight and actionable tips. At RightHello, we focus on questions about generating sales leads, developing new business, cold mailing and tools for finding B2B contact data – that’s where we have the most expertise.
But this is just the beginning of Quora’s potential for branding. Here are a few hacks to help you nail it in your next content marketing campaign.
- Share your answers on social media
Put all your social media channels into good use and share links to your Quora answers. To help these posts grab user attention, make sure to add a screen capture every time. Go for something like this:
- Recycle content
Take a look at all content you’ve created so far. Find potential questions that you’ve answered in it and recycle this value in new, original answers written specifically for the Quora community. Ensure that they’re short and on point. To get the most from this exposure, add a link to the original post so interested users can easily access this content.
- Test ideas for blog posts
Consider the community of Quora – it’s large, varied and very responsive. That’s why it can serve as a perfect testing ground for your content. It won’t cost you anything to post a question or add an answer, and the response will clearly show you whether your idea resonates with your target audience.
Start a few threads to compare different topics. Have a look at how we did it here: thread 1, thread 2, thread 3. If your question grabs the attention of the community, you’ll see it quickly soar to popularity. Just make sure that you’re adding the question to popular topics with at least a few hundred thousand followers:
Become an industry influencer
Quora helps us to boost our web traffic, which directly translates into the number of new sales inquires we’re getting from clients around the world. But what we do on Quora isn’t just about sales. Thanks to the consistent value shared with this community, we generate hype around our brand and show to the entire industry that we know what we’re talking about.
All it takes is a fair share of empathy (and a bit of cunning) to answer people’s questions and show off your brand in a natural and low-key way .
With Quora, you’re basically killing two birds with one stone – you’re helping users solve actual problems, all the while boosting your online visibility.
This video shares some good practical tips on using Quora for business:
Since the awesome team at Brand24 were kind enough to feature our article, we’re giving a 50$ discount on RightHello’s plans for all of Brand24’s clients. Email with the subject line “I work with Brand24”.
About the Author:
Piotr Zaniewicz is the founder and CEO of a Polish B2B sales startup RightHello. He had previous entrepreneurial experience, having co-created a social media agency called SocialPaths and a corporate gamification startup Gameboxed. He’s been dealing with marketing for a long while, acquiring customers for big name companies like PwC or MTV and early stage startups as well. Believer that the most important validation of business ideas is to find paying clients, when you have that – you’re going in the right direction.
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