Try the AI-powered Brand Mentions Tool!

Monitor all mentions in one place. Use a powerful brand monitoring tool!

Brand24 - Brand monitoring tool that tracks mentions, conducts sentiment analysis, and measures the reputation score and online presence. The tool also detects the most popular mentions, trending hashtags, top public profiles, and the context of a discussion.

Over 3800 brands use Brand24

 You are in good company.

Over 3800 companies track their brand mentions using the Brand24 tool.
Monitor brand mentions in real time

Monitor brand mentions in real time

Track brand mentions across news sites, blogs, forums, reviews, newsletters, podcasts, Quora, Medium, and social media platforms such as:
✅ Instagram
✅ Reddit
✅ Facebook
✅ LinkedIn
✅ YouTube
✅ Twitch


How do users review Brand24?

How customers rate the Brand24 tool on the most popular software review websites such as Capptera, GetApp, Software Advice, etc.
Brand24 is easy to use, they have decent guides and help docs, and the support is stellar. A very good app for tracking mentions. Lots of filters to hone in on the results that matter. It's an excellent brand monitoring software at a fair price. Brand24 helps keep an eye on the chatter around a brand, product, person or incident. Specifically, whether that chatter is brand-impacting (meaningful) or just random noise.
Doug L.
Public Relations and Communications

Monitor all Brand Mentions!

Find the most important mentions

Find the most important mentions

✅ Use advanced filters
Filter data by importance, time range, source, sentiment, popularity, domain, author, and tags.

✅ Detect negative mentions
Track the sentiment of each brand mention. Filter negative ones to detect the problem at the early stage. Protect your brand's reputation and prevent PR crises.

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Track key metrics

Track key metrics

Use monitoring data to gain valuable insights about your brand. Discover the performance of your brand image.

Track key brand monitoring metrics:
✅ Volume of mentions
✅ Social media and non-social reach
✅ Share of voice
✅ Sentiment analysis
✅ Engagement

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Discover the Presence and Reputation Score

Discover the Presence and Reputation Score

Check how your brand is performing online by tracking:

✅ Presence Score  
Presence Score helps measure brand online presence at a given time. This metric will help you measure and benchmark brand awareness. Also, it will help you evaluate marketing and PR efforts.

✅ Reputation Score
Reputation Score helps measure brand reputation at a given time. The score indicates the level of trust and credibility associated with your brand.

Brand24 is the best brand listening tool. I love that I can find mentions of my brand or name on social media and on blogs and the web. It's easy to set up and have the reports emailed daily or weekly. The mobile app is awesome too so you can respond to mentions even more quicker. I have found mentions for my clients and myself that I would have not otherwise known about. Google alerts only show you what is mentioned in news not on social media or blogs.
Lisa S.
Content Manager


First of all, you need to pick the right tool. It will save time by automating the process and aggregating mentions from multiple sources into one dashboard. Additionally, brand mention tools offer advanced analytics and reporting features that can help you gain deeper insights into your brand’s online reputation. Once you’ve chosen a tool, create a monitoring project. It’s very simple. All you need to do is to pick the keywords you want to monitor and connect your social media accounts. Remember to use relevant keywords and hashtags related to your brand. You can also set up alerts and reports to notify you about the most valuable mentions.

There are many tools available for monitoring brand mentions. How to choose the best one? Take a look at the number of monitored sources. If new sources are added regularly, it is a good sign. A great brand monitoring tool should conduct sentiment analysis, measure the share of voice, the volume of mentions, presence and reputation score, social media and non-social reach, AVE, and engagement. The tool needs to provide advanced analytics to detect mentions by category, the most popular brand mentions, trending hashtags and links, the most active sites, the context of discussions, and the most popular public profiles. Last but not least, a UX design. As you will work with lots of data, it’s necessary to receive them in a user-friendly way. Overall, a good tool should constantly develop its features and monitored sources.

When choosing a brand monitoring tool, consider your needs, budget, and the most important features. Brand24 is an online media monitoring tool that tracks brand mentions and hashtags across many sources, including social media, news sites, blogs, newsletters, podcasts, reviews, forums, and more. The tool offers sentiment analysis, real-time alerts, advanced analytics, and excellent customer support. With Brand24, you can track the most important metrics, such as the share of voice, the volume of mentions, presence and reputation score, social media and non-social reach, AVE, user-generated content, and social media interactions. Mention is an online media monitoring tool that tracks mentions across news, blogs, forums, videos, and social media. You must buy the most expensive plan to monitor TikTok, YouTube, Pinterest, and LinkedIn. Also, the tool doesn’t monitor podcasts and newsletters. Awario track mentions posted on social media, news, blogs, and forums. The tool provides analytics, white-label reports, and social selling features. But it doesn’t monitor TikTok, newsletters, and podcasts. BrandMentions is a tool that tracks brand and social mentions. Beyond tracking brand mentions, it also offers sentiment analysis, customizable reports, alerts, and analytics. The enterprise plan enables some interesting features like image monitoring and boolean query tracking.

With the help of social media monitoring tools, you can track brand mentions across social media posts. What’s important, tools can monitor public mentions only. For example, we can’t track mentions posted on public groups. Not each social media platform allows us to monitor them in-depth. Usually, to track social mentions, you need to integrate your social media channels with a monitoring tool. After that, the brand’s mentions will appear automatically in that dashboard.

The most important social media mentions of the Canva brand detected by the Brand24 tool. Most of them come from TikTok because they have the widest reach and shares.

Start Brand Monitoring!