How Center Mast Consulting uses media monitoring for competitive intelligence

Paulina Wałczyk
September 21, 2020
14 min read


Center Mast Consulting, a business technology consultancy specializing in enterprise initiatives, utilizes Brand24 for media monitoring and competitive intelligence.

By collecting relevant information through Brand24, they can deliver the right data and insights to their clients, helping them make informed decisions. The tool's email reports and notifications feature enables Center Mast to stay updated on online mentions, allowing them to identify valuable opportunities and engage with potential clients effectively.

With the versatility of Brand24, they can customize reports and present data tailored to different stakeholders, from executives to marketing and project managers. Center Mast values the robustness, wide coverage, and user-friendly interface of Brand24, making it a reliable source of data for their business needs.

1. About the client

We spoke with:

David Torre
David Torre
Owner of Center Mast Consulting

Center Mast Consulting

Center Mast is a business technology consultancy with a specialized focused in delivering enterprise business technology initiatives. CRM, enterprise resource planning, data integration and analytics, and cyber security are Center Mast specialities.

We spoke with David Torre, the owner of Center Mast Consulting, and Roy Dimalanta, an associate at the company, to get all the details on how they use Brand24.

2. Interview

What does Center Mast use Brand24 for?

We specialize in competitive intelligence so we need to synthesize a lot of information. That's why we need a robust set of data that will help us deliver the right message to our clients. Media monitoring is an indispensable part of our tool stack.

Brand24 helps us collect the information we need. We can then present the right data to our clients. We have all the information right in the dashboard, and the data is collected quickly and efficiently.

What do you find useful in your daily use of Brand24?

Email reports help us stay on top of online mentions.

Email reports and notifications are a great feature we use almost daily. Thanks to email reports, we were able to spot interesting comments, for example, on Reddit, and forward it to our client.

Our client engaged with the person that asked the question. He was able to establish a long-lasting relationship with the user. He began to build a reputation as an industry leader within his niche and became a mentor for others.  All because of an email notification sent on Saturday morning.


print screen showing newsletter from Brand24

What features do you find most valuable?

There are many features we use every day, as they make our lives so much easier.

We love the versatility of the tool. We can present the most important data to an executive to show the general situation. And if we want to dig a little bit deeper, and introduce more advanced analytics to marketing managers or project managers, we can do it with the help of the same tool. Customizable PDF reports help us get the right pieces of information to the right people.


print screen showing a pdf report from center mast


We enjoy the mobile app. We can examine the mentions on-the-go and send the most interesting ones to our clients right away.

Do you find the data provided by Brand24 useful?

We can count on Brand24 data.

Brand24 is a robust and stable tool. The coverage is amazing, as the tool gathers mentions from all over the web. The results are added to the dashboard quickly, and the user interface is friendly and easy to navigate.


print screen showing the number of interactions for center mast


But most importantly, Brand24 gives us the data we need to meet our clients' needs. We can expand our business by using Brand24.


Nice to see you scrolled all the way down here! Here at Brand24, we really enjoy hearing our customers' success stories. This assures us of the tool's utility and makes us proud that we can help you with whatever you use our tool for.

Maybe you also happen to use Brand24 in your day-to-day work and want to share your case with the world. If so, feel free to write me!

Till the next case study. Toodles!

Waleria Pagowska
Product Marketing Specialist