5 Powerful Tips on Real-Time Marketing

4 min read
“…the Internet has turned what used to be a controlled, one-way message into a real-time dialogue with millions.Danielle Sacks, writer at Fast Company

Many marketers have recently changed their marketing approach and moved away from a strategy of sticking to a predefined fixed marketing plan. Nowadays real-time marketing is catching on together with social media growth.

This approach is based on up-to-date events, relevant trends and immediate reaction to them. It aims at connecting brands with current and potential customers in the ongoing moment through relating to the most popular topics in the Internet.

The biggest and most powerful brands prove that real-time marketing activities might be more effective than any other strategies. Conversions of such actions very often bring much better results than any other marketing campaigns.

On top of that, real-time marketing does not require huge money contribution. All you need is creativity, accuracy and swiftness. Thus small and medium business do not fall behind and are successful in real time as well.

Keep on reading and see how they do it.

1. Be Right on Time

Digital is not the medium where you can wait devising your next canny move in a marketing strategy. Everything on social media happens in the twinkling of an eye and not days or hours count but minutes or even seconds. The faster you can react the bigger advantage you can gain over competitors.
It means that you should track discussion about either your brand and current events that you can relate to. Listening to your customers in real time can give you the competitive edge. Just like in the case of the British car manufacturer, Jaguar, that was mentioned by a Twitter user in relation to new car purchasing decision.