⚡⚡FEATURE UPDATE ⚡⚡ Live Customer Testimonials
What makes a great on-site testimonial?
- A good-looking, beautifully-designed testimonial page
- A great, true story
- A slider to see more of them
- Author’s photo, short bio, company, position within the company
- Link to the author’s site
It’s all cool but how about this:
- An embeddable, beautifully customizable and clickable online mention of your company being praised by a happy customer in social media?
Up until today, the conversation about on-site customer testimonials was limited to their essence, benefits, or the design.
Having just rolled out our newest feature, we want to bring a completely new quality to the table — Live Customer Testimonials — testimonials you can click on, access the source, talk to the author and feel the realness.
You can’t get more real with on-site testimonials than that.
Do You Actually Need Them?
This could be answered with one simple quote from P. T. Barnum:
Nothing draws a crowd quite like a crowd. – P.T. Barnum
… or Live Customer Testimonials!
Let’s then make a quick recap why on-site customer testimonials are important:
— They establish your credibility in the eyes of consumers. With 85% of consumers trusting online reviews as much as personal recommendations, on-site testimonials have a massive influence on purchasing decisions of consumers.
— They boost sales. There’s no better way to win your potential customers’ hearts than present real stories of your satisfied customers. Customer testimonials offer reliability and proximity which have considerable impact on potential customers.
— Free, super effective advertising. Customer testimonials are the most effective marketing and advertising tool to increase conversion. your product can get.
— Exposure. Your website offers an exposure adequate to the number of visitors. The more people see your website, the bigger the chance they fix their eyes on your great customer testimonials.
— Realness. Customer testimonials are the social proof of value your product or service offer. They present real customer success stories.
Well, Do They?
Don’t these well-designed customer testimonial pages feel fake? Do consumers still believe these success stories? Couldn’t they be well-made up using a friend’s photo and commentary? The problem people face here is that they are unable to prove the authenticity of on-site customer testimonials.
What’s more, roughly 90% of people assume that testimonials found inside of marketing messages are made up. 79% of consumers have read a fake review in the last year, but a worrying 84% can’t always spot them.
Until today.
Live Customer Testimonials
Having this in mind, we’ve developed Live Customer Testimonials to completely change the quality of customer testimonials on websites.
Live Customer Testimonials are actual social media mentions of your product, company, or service being praised by customers.
A front-end developer in your company can easily generate the Live Customer Testimonials with just a couple of clicks.
Then, the code can be embedded anywhere on your website — a front-end developer can adjust the widget’s height and width, as well it’s position within divs and containers. It means it can be placed literally anywhere.
The widget is by all means fully responsive and works smoothly also on the mobile.
Inside the creator, you can adjust its looks so that it matches your website design and branding. There’s an entire color palette at your disposal. Here’s what you can change:
- Font color
- Background color
- Mention background color
All to meet your design standards!
They are clickable so that any visitor of your website can click on it and go directly to the source, for example, to Twitter. Looks more trustworthy, right?
Using Brand24 social media monitoring tool, you can identify your customers praising your product in social media and put these mentions into the widget so that they are displayed on your website.
How to Create Your Live Customer Testimonials?
First of all, you will need a Brand24 account. Brand24 is a social media monitoring tool that collects all online mentions containing predefined keywords, for example, your company, product, or service name. To create your free account, click here.
Next, you need to create a project. In the project creator, provide keywords relevant to your business — your company name, product name, or company hashtag. Then, the tool will start collecting all mentions of these keywords in real time.
Now you need to look for mentions in which customers praise your product. Create a group to collect these mentions in one place.
To group a mention, find the Group button at the bottom of that mention. You can use this button to add a mention to an existing Group, or create a new Group. Here’s a more in-depth guide to using Groups.
For that matter, you can create a group called “Live Customer Testimonials”. Browse your mentions, get email notifications and spot customers praising your company and product. Add these mentions to your “Live Customer Testimonials”.
1. First, log into your Brand24 account.
2. Click on any project inside your dashboard.
3. From the menu on the left, click on Create a Widget.
4. Next, from the dropdown menu, choose a project that you want to turn into a Widget. Select the Order of Mentions for your widget. You can sort them by the most popular mentions or the most recent mentions for your project. Choose the Group of Mentions that you want to display. Remember, the Widget displays mentions from your Groups. This gives you a little more control over the types of mentions that your users will see
5. Now, select a theme. You can choose a light or dark theme. Also, you can adjust your colors more thoroughly by choosing:
- Accent color
- Font color
- Background color
- Mention background color
- Mention border color
And click Save changes.
6. Your widget has been set up and now, you just need to copy the generated code and paste it onto your website.
Here’s a video tutorial on how to do it step-by-step:
There you have it!
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