The Best Tools for Content Writers

5 min read

Every writer wants to make sure that their writing is as good as it can be. There’s plenty of competition out there and you want to get noticed for what you do. Here’s some tips and tools that will help you get the most out of what you do.

Let’s start with the tools. Here is a little agenda of what kind of content writing tools we will be mentioning inside this article:

  • Editing tools
  • Research tools
  • Writing tools
  • Grammar tools

In the second part of the article, you’ll find the best tips that can make writing your content on point.

Content writing tools

Content writing and content creation often require using different tools and resources to make the process more effective, easier, and better results.

Editing tools

There’s plenty of online tools that will help you in the editing process. If you’re trying to edit without them at the moment, all you’re doing is making your life harder. Why do that when you can get the job done in much less time?

When it comes to editing tools, there’s something out there for every editing job. If you need to hire a human editor, it’s best to head to

  • Upwork,
  • UK Writings,
  • Freelancer,
  • or Rated Writing.

If you want to do some of your editing yourself, it’s always a good idea to get some help. Try using Easy Word Count to check the length of your pieces, or Australian Help for a plethora of tools such as plagiarism detectors and grammar guides.

Research tools

The Internet gives you a lot of places where you can pick up the information you need, but remember to tread carefully. Not everything online is truthful, and you need a keen eye to tell which sources you can use, and which you can’t.

Google have a couple of useful tools that may be helpful.

Google Trends lets you see what other people are searching for, and helps you pick the right language for the job at hand.

Think With Google is a research hub that aggregates good research from 14 industries, and may be useful to you.

Another good way to do research and seek content inspiration is to use a social listening tool like Brand24. It collects in real time relevant mentions from all across the Internet – social media, news sites, review sites, blog writings, forums, podcasts, videos and other places.

Discover content inspiration with a social listening tool!

Thanks to the real time mentions, you’re first to get  inspired by new information.

Here’s an example of 3 mentions about content promotion:

If you feel like that’s what you need, start a Brand24 trial to give it a whirl. It’s completely free.

Start your free trial!

You’ll need somewhere to note down all that research, too. Pocket helps you collect useful links and information for later use. You can tag each piece too, so it’s much easier to find it when you need it.

Writing tools

Every content writer needs a writing tool. Obviously. There’s nothing wrong with using the classic Microsoft Word to get your writing done. It’s still quick and clean to use, especially great for first drafts. There’s even an online version that backs up your work to the cloud.

Maybe you need a tool that takes you away from the distractions that can be found online. If that’s the case, try out:

  • Calmly Writer
  • Stay Focused

These are the writing tools that you can use in your browser.

If you’re feeling rather sadistic, you can use:

  • The Dangerous Writing App

This writing tool will start deleting words if you stop writing for three minutes or more.

Grammar tools

Grammar is a tricky beast, but it is possible to tame it. Once you find the right tools to help you out, you’ll find that you can remember the rules much more easily and put out good quality content. Since not every writing tool can help you out with grammar and spelling, you can make use of dedicated tools.

A good tool to start with is the Hemingway Editor. Paste your work into it and it will mark the errors you’ve made so you can start correcting them. There’s also the Grammar Girl blog, which is a great resource if you’re always struggling with the difference between ‘there’ and ‘their’.

More tools for content writers

This video shares some more great tools for digital marketing, plus a free ebook filled with apps that help you create compelling content for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and more:


Get out of your comfort zone

It’s hard to grow as a content writer if you never get out there and try new things. Do you hate public speaking? Try doing stand up at an open mic night. Don’t like getting dirty? Get out into the garden and start digging. You’ll learn much more if you’re willing to step out of your comfort zone. You don’t have to like what you do, you just have to let it inform you.

Listen to other people’s experiences

Next time you’re at a dinner party, turn to the person next to you and ask them what they do as a hobby. Even if it’s something you’ve never heard of before, listen and take in what he she is saying. You’ll be amazed at how much you can learn just by doing this. Also, try eavesdropping on conversations in public places. You’ll always be astounded by what you hear.

Start listening to what others say online. For free!

Stay authentic

Nothing you write will be meaningful if you aren’t authentic in what you do. Readers come to your blog to get real experiences and advice, so don’t hold back on them. The more honest you are, the more they will respect you.

More content writing tips!

This video shares even more tips that every content writer needs to (already) know about:

Now you have these tips and tools, you’ll never have to write alone again. Put them to good use, and you’ll see that your writing improves drastically, and quickly too.

Author bio:
Sharon Conwell has been a content manager and ghost writer at over 20 online projects, now she is a part-time educator and an editor at Big Assignments. She’s specializing in content creation and optimization. She loves coffee, tulips and her Shih Tzu named Bobby.

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