Tom Zietek

Tom Zietek

Tom was the Head of Content at Brand24 for five years. During that time, he was actively involved in building an AI social listening tool. Tom knows exactly what you like to read. At Brand24 he’s been experimenting with both organic content and advertising. 

Apart from giving you a good story, Tom loves data-driven marketing and testing conversion optimization tricks. No great headline starts without analyzing the customer journey, right?  Good food, road cycling and outdoor adventures are just some of the things that excite him in life. Loving English language and literature since a kid.

Today you can meet him in another brilliant polish SaaS – LiveChat, or on a beautiful, crazy bike trip somewhere in the world.

6 Clever Ways to Use Facebook Groups for Growing Your Business

6 Clever Ways to Use Facebook Groups for Growing Your Business

Are you struggling to generate engagement and reach due to recent Facebook’s algorithm changes? Seeking to foster a stronger sense of community around your brand? Or looking for a way to increase customer satisfaction and sales with word-of-mouth recommendations? You are in the right place and right time to learn how to get there.

3 Effective Ways to Use Product Placement on YouTube

3 Effective Ways to Use Product Placement on YouTube

The increasing popularity of independent celebrity video bloggers, the Youtube “vloggers”, who film their life and share online with thousands of subscribers is setting a brand new shape of marketing and advertising. However, many marketers are still new to the idea of marketing through YouTube influencers and have no clear idea of how to use product placement on Youtube to successfully promote their brands. Here are the 3 most popular ways to juice product placement opportunities on Youtube and effectively promote your business.

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