Top 10 AI Analytics Tools to Transform Your Business in 2024

12 min read

Did you know that almost half of all businesses use automated data analytics? What’s more, this number is constantly growing! Most companies report a positive impact of an AI data analysis implementation. Why not join them? 

AI analytics tools rely on artificial intelligence algorithms to analyze big data. They use insights and patterns for informed decision-making. These tools are key for brands and social media marketers. They provide deep insights into consumer behavior, sentiment analysis, and trends. This allows for targeted and effective marketing strategies that resonate with audiences, driving engagement and conversions.

AI tools for data analysis are a lifesaver when dealing with complex data sets. 

They use machine learning models for data management. This renders them irreplaceable for pattern recognition and data segmentation. 

And what’s the biggest asset of AI data analysis tools?

They can turn unstructured data into actionable insights! 

With data visualization and pattern detection, they are a must-have.

No need to say that AI techniques are more effective than traditional methods for data analysis.

So, without further ado, let’s begin.

Top AI Analytics Tools:

01 Brand24

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Brand24 is a versatile media monitoring tool. It can track online mentions of your brand, product, hashtag, or any other keyword. 

Besides collecting mentions, Brand24 analyzes them. This way, it can provide meaningful insights regarding your online performance. 

But first thing first. 

What does a social media monitoring project look like? 

Here’s the main dashboard:

Brand24 covers a wide range of sources. You can monitor news, podcasts, blogs, newsletters, forums, review sites and social media platforms:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • X / Twitter
  • YouTube
  • LinkedIn
  • Reddit
  • Pinterest
  • TikTok
  • Quora
  • Twitch

But Brand24 not only monitors. It also analyzes.

Every collected mention is assigned to sentiment (positive, neutral, or negative). This enables sentiment analysis – measuring the reception of your brand online.

Besides sentiment, Brand24 measures the reach of your mentions.

Based on this, the tool quickly detects sudden spikes in your online reach. The Anomaly Detection feature uses AI algorithms to analyze mentions from a certain day when the spike occurred. 

This way, Brand24 can tell you the reason behind unexpected peaks in your brand reach

It’s a very useful feature both for trend discovery and identification of controversies. With Anomaly Detection you can quickly detect an emerging PR crisis. This gives you the advantage to solve the issue before it escalates.

Try the best AI analytics tool! 

Topic Analysis is another feature that informs what your audience is up to. Thanks to natural language processing, it detects recurring themes in your mentions and groups them into topics with additional meaningful insights.

Topic Analysis will bring you closer to your customers by showcasing what matters to them. By knowing the hottest themes among your audience, you can capitalize on them. 

For instance, you can mention them on social media or write themed blog posts.

Now, let’s move on to Intent and Emotion analysis. These two provide further insights into the nature of your audience’s conversations. 

Intent informs about the intention behind a mention. This provides a broader context to your audience’s conversations.

Emotion analysis is a breakdown of feelings embedded in your mentions. 

It’s the next step after the analysis of sentiment. It goes deeper, identifying particular emotions: sadness, admiration, anger, disgust, fear, and joy.

With this insight, you can better navigate the online realm. By knowing your audience’s specific emotions, you can adjust your PR strategies.

When your audience is angry, there’s no sense in cheering them up. While they are sad, a calming statement won’t help. And so on. 

Now, the cherry on the cake: Metrics Analysis and AI Insights.

These two tabs provide a neat summary of your project data. This way, you don’t have to go through all the tabs to find key insights. They are always at your fingertips.

Last but not least, there’s the AI Brand Assistant. It is the ultimate data analysis facilition. Ask it anything about the collected data and measured brand metrics

It knows it all.

You can stay on top of your online reputation thanks to real-time data processing. 

What’s more, you make data-driven decisions based on relevant data. This ensures accurate predictions and satisfying results.

Key features:

Behind all our AI features stand advanced Artificial Intelligence algorithms, deep learning science, and qualified specialists.

Try the best data analytics tool!

02 Microsoft Power BI

Do you use the Microsoft Office suite?

If so, Power BI can take you to the next level.

This business intelligence tool integrates with Microsoft products. Thus, it’s a handy product for companies already using them. 

PowerBI is a great data visualization platform capable of analyzing data in big sets. 

Thanks to numerous integrations, you can greatly streamline data analysis. The tool also has data processing skills and ensures high safety of your data.

Key features:

  • Data analytics
  • Data visualization
  • Data protection

03 Tableau

This powerful AI analytics tool is known for its ease of use and implementation. 

It’s the perfect software for newbies who want to implement data-driven decision-making for the first time. 

The tool doesn’t require technical skills. On the contrary, the dashboard is very clear and well-explained.

With Tableau, you can identify patterns and process data from vast external datasets. The tool uses AI techniques in the analysis process, ensuring deep insight. 

Tableau can also visualize data in a personalized way.

Last but not least, there’s also a Tableau mobile app. This way, you are always up to date and can react to changing data patterns.

To sum up, it’s an excellent tool for both professional data analysts and beginners.

Key features:

  • Data modeling
  • Complex data analysis support
  • High interactivity
  • Advanced AI models

Try the best AI tool for data analysis!

04 Akkio

Akkio is a very straightforward yet brilliant tool that analyzes large volumes of data.

It is an interactive chat with which you discuss your dataset.

To make it work, you import data and instruct the tool. In response, it can provide a visual representation of your data or extract particular information from a big dataset.

You can also give it further instructions for its output revision.

With Akkio you can also build your own machine learning models. This way, the tool will faster recognize critical patterns and notify you about anomalies. 

Akkio supports a wide range of data sources, another great advantage of this tool.

And again, it’s a solution suitable not only for professional data scientists but also for rookies.

Key features:

  • Machine learning algorithms training 
  • Data analysis in an interactive chat form
  • Deep learning algorithms

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05 MonkeyLearn

This tool is slightly different from what I’ve shown you already. Its advantage is its textual data analysis capabilities. 

MonkeyLearn is especially useful for communication with customers. 

For instance, you can connect this tool to your email. MonkeyLearn will derive insights from your emails’ raw data and display them as a comprehensive data analysis.

Thanks to machine learning algorithms for text analysis, MonkeyLearn can automatically sort data based on sentiment, keywords, or other criteria.

MonkeyLearn seems a very powerful solution for data analysis. 

For me, it’s definitely worth trying.

Key features:

  • Natural language processing
  • Data analysis and categorization 

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06 Polymer

Polymer is one of the AI tools for data analysis. Thanks to its automated machine learning capabilities it’s able of advanced data handling.

Polymer works as a robust interpretative database. With this tool, you can create insightful data exploration dashboards. 

This visualization can be helpful to data scientists, marketers, team leads, and many other specialists. In short, everybody who needs to analyze data professionally.

It integrates with many external data sources, ensuring functional business analytics.

As for the AI data analysis features, Polymer uses machine learning and advanced AI models. 

The tool also has an AI chat assistant always ready to help you with data analysis tasks.

Key features:

  • Advanced Artificial intelligence algorithms
  • AI assistant chat
  • Interactive dashboards creation

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KNIME is one of the open-sourced AI tools for data analysis. It is universal and can be used across different industries, departments, and use cases. 

Whether you are in financial services, healthcare, or manufacturing, this business intelligence tool has a lot to offer. It can be used for various types of AI data analysis, including marketing, finance, HR, and supply chain. 

With KNIME, you can train machine learning models to streamline your business analytics. 

The tool also has drag-and-drop customization. Thus, it’s easy to use not only for professional data analysts but also for beginners.

And what makes KNIME stand out among other data analytics tools?

If you ask me, it’s its universality. You can use it regardless of industry, department, or skill level.

However, because of its universality, it may lack some case-specific features. But that’s just my hypothesis. Check for yourself!

Key features:

  • Google sheets automation
  • Machine learning model training
  • Universality of use

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08 Luzmo

Luzmo is an embedded data analytics platform for SaaS companies. 

It supports business analytics with highly customizable data visualization. This way, it facilitates data presentation and the discovery of insights.

Luzmo’s stand-out feature is its autogenerate dashboards. With them, a few clicks turn a complex dataset into a legible overview.

What I liked about Luzmo is their tool preview. It’s a simulation giving you an idea of how the tool works. You can quickly check if it meets your needs without setting up an account.

Key features:

  • Customizable data visualization
  • Autogenerate dashboards

Try the best AI analytics tool!

09 Julius AI

Julius AI is one of the data analysis tools with an AI chat assistant. When the tool conducts AI data analytics, you can guide it with prompts. This way, you get accurate, personalized results. 

Thanks to its problem-solving capabilities, Julius can identify patterns and conduct predictive analytics. The tool works with historical data and forecasts future results.

With Julius, you can also design statistical AI models. This way, you can identify patterns faster and have streamlined access to your insights.

What I like about this AI tool is its chat interface. This solution ensures accessibility and ease of use.

Key features:

  • AI chat assistant
  • GIFs creation

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10 Chat GPT

Chat GPT is an AI-powered tool specialized in natural language processing. It mainly interprets user input and interacts accordingly.

Although it’s not a dedicated data analytics tool, it can be helpful in the process. 

You can definitely use Chat GPT to get textual descriptions of vast datasets. It can also draw conclusions and summarize results. 

Plus, you can ask Chat GPT about a detail hidden in your input. It’ll extract the needed information in a flash.

You can also ask this tool to interpret data for you.

Chat GPT is a simple and free solution for data analysis. 

Unfortunately, it’s not all roses. 

As you probably already know, Chat GPT can hallucinate. Even when provided with a data set, it still happens to make mistakes. 

Thus, if you want 100% reliable results, you should invest in a more specialized tool.

Key features for AI data analytics:

  • Textual summaries
  • Patterns recognition
  • Hypothesis generation
  • Data interpretation


We’ve seen the top 10 AI tools for data analysis. Now it’s time to decide on one. It may not be easy, as there are many to choose from. 

I recommend focusing on your primary needs. Prepare a list of must-have features and options. This is a good starting point, as you should immediately be able to exclude the tools that don’t meet all your needs.

If you ask me, my top 3 are: 

  1. Brand24, because of its holistic approach to online reputation management
  2. MonkeyLearn, because of its raw data collection and analysis methods
  3. Julius AI, because of its deep learning capabilities and chat interface

It’s time to take your business analytics to the next level with data-driven decisions.

Integrate Artificial Intelligence in your everyday business analytics and spot a difference!

Do you have any other AI-powered features in mind that would be useful for data analysis? Let me know!

Final thoughts

  • AI for data analysis is a lifesaver. It will streamline your work and help you get ahead of your competitors.
  • In today’s media-oriented world online reputation management is key. Try Brand24, an AI-powered media monitoring tool that holistically measures online performance. Thanks to advanced AI algorithms, it provides actionable and detailed insights.
  • For big data analysis, try Julius AI. It has a simple chat interface and AI algorithms training options.

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