How to Get More Views on Twitch? 20+ Hacks

15 min read
Reviewed by Katarzyna Dereń
Reviewed by Katarzyna

Ever wonder how some Twitch streamers go from a few viewers to hundreds or even thousands? It’s not just luck – there are specific strategies that make all the difference.

By using tactics to attract viewers, you can increase your visibility. How?

Let’s dive into my quick tips that can boost your Twitch views!

Getting more views on Twitch is not a guesswork. Views on a Twitch stream are counted any time someone watches your live stream, whether or not they’re signed in. You need to monitor and analyze your performance metrics, follow trends, and adapt quickly!

What counts as a view on Twitch?

Any time someone watches the live video, they’ll be counted as a viewer.

It doesn’t matter if they have a Twitch account or are signed in. Once they stop watching the live video, that number will go down.

So, if 200 signed-in and 30 non-signed-in people watch your live – you have 230 views.

But if 15 suddenly decide to leave – it drops to 215.

You can monitor the number of views in the corner while live streaming or access such data in the Twitch analytics:

Analyze your Twitch performance!

But knowing the number of views is just the tip of the iceberg.

The real question is – how do you increase the number of views on the Twitch channel and attract more Twitch viewers?

Read on to learn!

26 tips and tricks to get more views on Twitch

01 Identify your target audience

Understanding your target audience is the cornerstone of creating content that resonates and attracts more viewers to your Twitch channel.

Start by considering:

  • The type of games you play
  • The tone of your streams
  • The language you use

Are you a high-energy, competitive gamer, or do you prefer a more casual vibe?

Try to analyze your current viewership to see who’s already engaging with your content.

02 Study your competition

To grow your Twitch channel, it’s essential to study your competition.

So, look at other streamers in your niche and analyze their:

  • Content
  • Streaming schedule
  • Engagement strategies

What games are they playing? How do they interact with their audience?

Identify what works for them and what doesn’t – perhaps it would be the same for you?

Benchmark against competitors!

03 Optimize your Twitch profile

Your Twitch channel is like your business card – it’s the first thing people see when they visit your Twitch channel.

Make sure to fill out every section:

  • Add a catchy bio
  • Make professional banners
  • Add a memorable profile picture
  • Use relevant tags

And my pro tip: Don’t forget to include links to your social media channels to encourage viewers to follow you on other platforms.

A well-optimized profile can help attract more Twitch viewers by making it easier for potential followers to find and engage with your content.

04 Respond to mentions

Be the streamer who actually cares!

When someone mentions you – whether it’s on Twitch or any other social media platforms – reply!

This shows your followers and potential audience that you’re active and engaged. Responding to mentions is one of the easiest and fastest ways to boost your brand visibility.

But mentions can be positive, negative, or neutral, and it’s worth noticing what emotions you arouse.

You can use tools like Brand24 to track your mentions across platforms and:

  • Never miss an opportunity to engage.
  • Be aware of what people say about you.
  • Monitor the sentiment around you.

Brand24 will monitor and analyze mentions from:

  • Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, TikTok, Reddit, Quora, Telegram, and Twitch
  • Review sites
  • Blogs
  • Video platforms
  • Podcasts
  • Discussion forums
  • Newsletters
  • Online news sources

Here’s an example of a very popular streamer (Auronplay) mention found by Brand24:

Find your mentions!

05 Game selection is everything

Choose games that align with your niche and are trending.

Smaller Twitch streamers often benefit from streaming less popular games where there’s less competition.

However, if a big title just launched – don’t be scared to jump on that hype!

It may become a simple way to attract more Twitch viewers.

So, monitor game viewership trends and try to choose which games to stream based on this analysis.

However, don’t go blindly after the hype! A relevant game is better than just a popular one.

Select games that are popular in your niche and that you’re passionate about playing.

06 Use trending hashtags

Using Twitch hashtags helps get your content in front of a broader audience. You should add them strategically to your Twitch streams.

Keep an eye on Twitch’s trending topics, and integrate relevant hashtags that resonate with your stream’s theme.

These grey boxes below are tags on Twitch:

How can you know which tags are the best for you?

You can either do the manual analysis by:

  • Looking at what our competitors are using
  • Testing adding other tags for your streams and seeing what’s working best

But I think it can be done better with the help of social listening tools.

Brand24 gives you a ready-to-use list of hashtags created by analyzing what hashtags people use when talking about you.

Take a look! This is the list for Auroplay (one of the most popular Twitch streamers):

Brand24 also enables you to track the performance of the hashtags you use and monitor how they spread online (also beyond your Twitch channel)

Find relevant hashtags for you!

07 Have a consistent streaming schedule

Twitch viewers love consistency!

Setting a schedule and sticking to it lets your audience know when to expect your streams. It builds trust and anticipation, making it more likely for viewers to show up regularly.

Most streamers include their streaming schedule in their Twitch channel, just like the one below:

Fun fact: The previous Twitch streams are also available to broadcast if the streamer decides to save them.

It’s possible to access them by simply clicking on the specific stream.

This is what it looks like:

08 Team with influencers and other creators

Collaborating with other streamers or influencers who share your target audience can drastically boost your reach and help you gain viewers.

Whether it’s a co-stream, shoutout, or a social media post – reaching their audience attracts new Twitch users to your channel.

How to choose the right person? Look for streamers with high engagement, not just high follower counts.

If you want the collaboration to be really effective – consider going beyond the Twitch platform.

This way, you’ll reach completely new potential viewers!

Brand24 provides a fantastic analysis of influencers related to your profile.

Take a look. These are the people who engage with Auronplay the most, making them highly relevant collaborators:

Find the best influencers for you!

09 Promote your Twitch stream on social media platforms 

Promoting your Twitch stream doesn’t end on Twitch.

Share highlights, stream schedules, and announcements on platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok.

You can use short clips or add some behind-the-scenes content to keep your social media followers engaged and curious about your live streams.

Or, a fantastic way is also using special count downs on Instagram Stories or the broadest channels – people will get a notifications on their phones when your stream is about to happen.

10 Increase positive mentions

Positive mentions help build your digital reputation.

That’s why encouraging your viewers to talk about your stream, leave positive comments, or share your content is so important.

It increases engagement and creates community.

But it’s not just about encouraging people to talk about you. It’s also about monitoring what people are saying about your Twitch channel and addressing any potential crises before they escalate.

You should monitor your sentiment to understand what’s working and what isn’t.

Here’s a sentiment analysis over time for Auronplay:

Analyze your Twitch performance over time!

11 Stream on other social media platforms simultaneously

Streaming on multiple platforms, like TikTok or even on other channels, can introduce your content to a wider audience.

There are tools like Restream that broadcast your stream on different platforms at the same time. This way, people who might not be on Twitch can still find and follow your content, and you will get more viewers.

12 Use relevant emojis

Emojis are more than just cute icons!

They make your titles stand out and attract potential viewers.

You should use relevant emojis to highlight important information, trigger emotions, or attract attention to specific parts of your stream title.

Plus, you can go a step further and choose a few emojis you’d use with your Twitch community.

This way, you’ll keep your audience engaged and create a sense of belonging.

How to choose emojis to use? Well, the best way is to ask the people. And that’s exactly what rand24 does – it analyses your mentions and excludes the emojis that are most frequently used.

Here’s an emoji analysis for Auronplay:

Get your emoji analysis!

13 Respond to chat

Talk to your Twitch audience!

Ask questions, share personal stories, and respond to comments in real-time.

Engaging with your chat makes your stream more interactive and can help turn casual viewers into loyal fans.

14 Arouse emotions 

Streams that evoke emotions (whether it’s excitement, humor, or suspense) – tend to perform better.

So, try to create moments that will get your viewers to react and share.

The fun part is that you can also track what emotions your Twitch streams generate and react accordingly.

So, if you want to test a new, more controversial game – you can monitor what impact it has on your community.

Here’s the analysis of the emotions over time by Brand24:

Know how people really feel about you!

15 Create a positive environment

Your stream should be a place where everyone feels welcomed.

Establish a friendly atmosphere and set clear chat rules to prevent negativity.

New viewers are more likely to stick around in a positive and welcoming environment.

16 Post about relevant topics

Make sure to be up to date with trending topics in your niche. When you incorporate them into your content, you get way more chances to get noticed.

So, if there’s a big update in a game you play or a trending challenge – mention it!

This keeps your content fresh and relevant.

Do you struggle to find new topics and trends?

My tip is to go for AI tools that analyze your Twitch mentions and, based on this data, offer a list of relevant topics.

Take a look, here’s a list of topics for Auronplay:

Find new topics to engage!

17 Diversify your Twitch streams

Change things up every now and then!

Yes, it’s important to have a niche and it’s the most important factor to increase viewers… But don’t be afraid to experiment with new formats, games, or topics.

This helps attract different audience segments and keeps your regulars interested.

Plus, it may be a good thing for your too – some fresh air is nice at work from time to time.

18 Analyze Twitch reach

Tracking your reach and engagement Twitch metrics is crucial to understanding your audience.

You can monitor patterns in attracting and retaining new viewers.

So, try to look at your stream analytics and see which has the highest viewership. Was there anything specific? Perhaps a new game or a specific time of going live?

You can also go a step further and analyze how your content spreads beyond Twitch. How? Media monitoring tools can help with that.

Take a look below; this is reach over the last 30 days for Auronplay:

Analyze your reach!

19 Reward loyal following

Loyalty programs can increase engagement and keep people coming back.

It doesn’t have to be pricey!

It can be something simple like exclusive content or giveaways for followers and frequent viewers on Twitch.

The more you value your audience, the more they’ll value your Twitch channel.

20 Track Twitch trends 

Twitch trends can change really quickly!

Keep an eye on trending categories, games, and streaming formats. This can really boost your social visibility.


If you can hop on a trend early, you’ll have the advantage of being among the first to provide new content to interested viewers. This increases the chances of attracting new viewers looking for this specific topic.

If you struggle to keep up with all of the trends – you can try to us AI tools for that.

For example, AI Brand Assistant is a great tool for that purpose. It combines ChatGPT knowledge and your social listening project data.

Here’s an analysis of trends in the gaming industry:

Monitor trends in your niche!

21 Sell your own merchandise

A more unpopular way to engage with your community is to create and sell branded merchandise.

The fun part is that it actually turns your viewers into walking advertisements.

Even small items like stickers or keychains can help build your brand.

Here’s a hoodie PewDiePie did:

22 Host events and charity streams

Many popular streamers use a special stream strategy.

They host community events like Q&As, some gaming tournaments, or charity streams to attract viewers.

These are great as they create memorable experiences and strengthen the connection between you and your audience.

23 Analyze viewer data

Analyzing viewer data can provide insights into what’s working and what’s not.

It’s one of the best ways to improve!

You should look at metrics like:

  • Average view duration
  • Peak viewership
  • Drop-off points

And use these insights to refine your content strategy.

24 Experiment with content

Experiment with new ideas and formats to see what resonates with your audience. Maybe try a podcast-style stream, or do a real life stream.

The only thing – try to keep it relevant to your niche.

So, always be on the lookout for ways to keep your content fresh.

Analyze your Twitch performance!

25 Try IRL (In Real Life) Streams

While gaming is the bread and butter of Twitch, adding IRL content can make your channel feel more personal and relatable.

This type of content humanizes you and builds stronger connections with your viewers, making them more likely to return.

26 Enable sharing to TikTok

The platform just launched this new functionality, which allows your Twitch viewers to post clips from your streams on TikTok directly in the app.

This is a fantastic opportunity to reach new potential viewers and create a community.


There’s no magic formula to increase your Twitch views, but it’s definitely not all luck, either.

Success on Twitch comes from combining strategies. You need to know your audience and optimize your profile accordingly.

Key takeaways:

  1. Stream consistently.
  2. Engage with your audience and create emotional moments.
  3. Promote your streams across other platforms.
  4. Analyze your data to refine what works!

Ready to up your game? Start with the Brand24 trial now!

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