How to Measure and Increase Facebook Visibility? [2024 Guide]

10 min read
Reviewed by Katarzyna Dereń
Reviewed by Katarzyna

With over 3 billion users, Facebook remains the most popular social media platform worldwide. And it’s not just another statistical blah-blah-blah! Global brands take Facebook visibility seriously because it offers significant benefits. Example? In just 30 days, Red Bull received nearly 2,300 Facebook mentions, reaching 26 million users and boosting overall brand awareness.

Facebook visibility indicates how easily and frequently other users see your posts and profile on the platform. It depends on many factors, such as the number of your friends or followers, engagement levels (likes, comments, shares), and the algorithm that prioritizes content in users’ news feeds.

Table of contents:

What is Facebook visibility?

Facebook visibility is a measure of the likelihood that other platform users will see your Facebook page, the content you share, or the content published by Facebook users that mentions your brand.

The higher your Facebook visibility, the more people see and interact with your content.

Considering all the above, it’s pretty obvious that Facebook visibility impacts your brand awareness, online reputation score, and share of voice in your industry.

Key factors influencing Facebook’s visibility include:

  • Consistency and frequency, because regularly posted content increases your chances to appear on your followers’ feeds;
  • Engagement, because a high level of likes, comments, and other reactions inform Facebook algorithm that your profile offers captivating & quality content;
  • Collaborations, because tagging relevant pages or collaborating with influencers can expand your reach to their audiences, increasing your Facebook visibility.

Start measuring your Facebook visibility!

How to measure Facebook visibility?

Facebook visibility is great to discover if your communication and marketing strategy on the platform is fruitful.

All in all, to maintain a Facebook presence, you have to allocate some resources – at least your time and money. Be effective!

Besides, Facebook visibility is a kind of competitor analysis metric that allows you to benchmark your social media performance within your niche.

Okay, and how to measure Facebook visibility?

Well, we must break it down into smaller pieces:

01 The volume of social mentions

The first thing you should measure to determine your Facebook visibility is the volume of social mentions.

In other words, you really should know how frequently people talk about you on social media platforms.

It’s essential because your high presence in user conversations proves your brand awareness and visibility are strong.

When people frequently mention your brand, it signifies that your content resonates with them, leading to increased engagement and broader reach.

Okay, but why do I recommend tracking social and not just Facebook mentions?

Because Facebook is rarely the only social platform brands use for communication. In fact, as much as 91% of retail brands use two or more social media channels.

Besides, the software that can help you track Facebook mentions usually offers monitoring of multiple platforms, not just Facebook.

That’s a good moment to show you how to track social mentions in practice.

How to measure?

I tried many ways, and the most convenient one was using a social listening tool.

Social listening tools are specialized software that allows you to detect, monitor, and analyze brand mentions across social media platforms.

My favorite is Brand24 due to the number of sources this tool monitors, its analytics capabilities, AI-powered features, and user-friendly dashboards.

Along with Facebook, Brand24 monitors other social platforms, such as Instagram, X (Twitter), TikTok, LinkedIn, YouTube, Reddit, Twitch, and Telegram.

Moreover, it also allows you to track and analyze brand mentions published on news sites, blogs, other websites, podcasts, video sites, review platforms, and newsletters.

So, to know the volume of your social mentions, go to the Mentions tab, filter out the results to social platforms only, and look at the chart. The blue line indicates the volume of your social mentions.

You might have noticed exclamation marks over the spikes. That’s an AI Anomaly Detector.

In short, the AnomalyDetector identifies any unusual behavior of your tracked project (for example, the unexpected spike in mentions).

Once the anomaly is spotted, the Anomaly Detector searches the web to identify its cause.

As you can see below, Max Verstappen’s win caused a higher volume of mentions for Red Bull from June 23rd.

FYI: Max Verstappen is a three-time world champion in F1.

Track your Facebook mentions!

02 Engagement

Measuring engagement is the second thing you should do to assess your Facebook visibility. What exactly does it mean?

Well, Facebook allows its users to interact with the content in multiple ways. Each interaction provides valuable data on how your audience engages with your posts.

Facebook interactions are likes and reactions, comments, shares, post clicks, sending messages, and literally any other way you can engage with the content.

Even stopping scrolling to view a post, known as “dwell time,” can be considered an engagement metric!

Social platforms aim to keep users engaged on their sites for as long as possible. High engagement on your posts signals to Facebook’s algorithm that your content is valuable and relevant.

To put it simply: the more engaging your Facebook page is, the better for your visibility.

How to measure?

The best way to measure your engagement metrics is to use Facebook Insights – the platform’s native analytics tool.

Go to your Facebook page, click on “Insights” in the top menu, and take a look at the Overview section. It’s a snapshot of your page’s performance that includes crucial engagement metrics.

Start measuring your Facebook visibility!

03 Social media reach

Social media reach is like the flip side of social mentions volume.

It focuses on tracking how many Facebook users could have had contact with the content in which your brand was mentioned.

In my opinion, reach is a more important metric than the volume of mentions regarding Facebook visibility. Why?

Consider the following two scenarios:

  1. Your Facebook post was shared 10 times. Each person who shared your post has 200 friends and followers.
  2. Your Facebook was shared only 1 time. But this one person has 10,000 followers on the platform.

In the first scenario, the volume of mentions is much higher than in the second.

Simultaneously, the person from the second scenario has a much bigger audience, which translates to a higher social media reach and, thus, higher Facebook visibility.

I didn’t consider one important factor called visibility percentage, which estimates what part of an audience usually sees content on Facebook. But I believe you got the point.

How to measure?

Measuring your social media reach is super easy if you use a social listening tool like Brand24.

Visit the Mention tab again, apply the “Sources” filter to limit the results to social media platforms only, and look at the reach chart (green line).

If you prefer numbers over charts, you can also visit the Brand24 Analysis chart. On the right, you’ll see a quick numerical summary.

For example, Red Bull-related social media content reached over 180 million people in just 30 days! Freaking impressive!

Check your Facebook reach now!

04 Follower growth rate

To have a more complete picture of your Facebook visibility, you should count how fast your follower base grows.

Why is it important?

A rising number of followers shows that more people are becoming aware of and interested in your brand.

This growth signifies that your content effectively reaches and attracts a broader audience.

It’s like a snowball effect.

Your Facebook followers praise or share your content → Your content appears on their friends and followers’ news feeds → They start to follow you → Your Facebook visibility grows → New Facebook followers praise or share your content → …

How to measure?

Contrary to the volume of social mentions, engagement, and social media reach, measuring follower growth rate doesn’t require access to any tool. The scheme is straightforward:

  1. Determine your time frame the reference point, so which period you want to measure (i.e., a month or a quarter).
  2. Check your follower count at the beginning of the measured period, like on the first day of the month.
  3. Check your follower count at the end of the measured period, like on the last day of the month.
  4. Use the following (wzór): (new followers – old followers) / old followers
  5. Multiply the result by 100% to get the percentage follower growth rate.

Let’s take a hypothetical scenario

On May 1st, 5,000 users followed your brand’s Facebook page.

On May 31st, your follower count reached 5,600 users.

Therefore, (600 / 5000) x 100% = 12%.

To summarize, in a discussed scenario, your follower growth rate was 12% for that period.

Start measuring your Facebook visibility!

3 simple & effective tips to increase Facebook visibility

I have some experience in managing Facebook business accounts. I also like observing what good Facebook pages do to discover the secrets of their successes.

Therefore, let me share my three favorite tips to increase Facebook visibility.

Tip 1. Create your own Facebook group

Think of a Facebook group as a public space where people can share their thoughts with a selected community – something like Hyde Park, but online.

As the group owner, you set the rules and control the content.

However, you must act smart. The group members must feel that your group is more than just a billboard for your brand.

By the way, feel welcome to our Facebook group: Social Listening Community!

Tip 2. Connect Facebook & Instagram

You probably know that Facebook and Instagram share the same owner: Meta.

But did you know you can manage and analyze your brand performance on both platforms using a native tool called Meta Business Suite?

Connecting your Facebook and Instagram accounts can save you a lot of time!

Tip 3. Be creative to the limits.

Capturing people’s attention on social media is a huge challenge. Every page struggles with it.

Being creative is not enough. You must be both innovative and creative when creating Facebook content!

Some of my favorite examples are puzzles, crosswords, and riddle content. Yes!

People enjoy competing and showcasing their knowledge. Posts with crosswords, riddles, and puzzles make users stop scrolling and spend time (dwell time) trying to figure them out.

They frequently engage with such posts by leaving answers in the comments or critiquing others’ responses.

Discover your Facebook visibility!


Even if Facebook isn’t your primary communication channel, your visibility on this platform is crucial for your brand awareness.

Measuring your Facebook visibility is important for several reasons, including benchmarking your social media communication and marketing strategy and assessing the effectiveness of your investments on the platform.

The most important metrics to track are the volume and reach of your social mentions, engagement, and follower growth rate.

With these numbers in hand and creative ideas in mind, you will succeed. 

At first glance, connecting a data-driven approach with out-of-the-box thinking might seem complicated, but it all comes with time!

Final thoughts:

  • Social listening tools like Brand24 allow you to track the volume and reach of your brand mentions on Facebook and other social media channels.
  • Think about your Facebook visibility strategically: create your own group and be creative with content formats.
  • 9 out of 10 brands use at least two different social media platforms, and Facebook remains the most popular worldwide. Boost your Facebook visibility!

Give Brand24 a chance and start a 14-day free trial. You won’t regret it!

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