Category: Trend Analysis

Trend analysis helps you predict the direction your business should go. It helps you better understand your customers and their needs or indicates what is worth improving. Check out blog posts and learn how to turn analysis data into actionable insights.

Why is the Miss Universe Mix-up the Best Lesson for Going Viral

Why is the Miss Universe Mix-up the Best Lesson for Going Viral

There is no secret recipe behind creating a perfect viral content, and yet there are examples of videos that receive millions of views every year. What is their secret? Find out what are the key principles that motivate people to share content. Learn the lesson on someone's else mistake, quite a big mistake like crowning the wrong Miss Universe. The video presenting Steve Harvey's Miss Universe Mix-up has just gone viral.

Tom Tom |
Dec 23, 2015
4 min reads
STAR WARS – Real Time Marketing Stunts & Failures

STAR WARS – Real Time Marketing Stunts & Failures

18th December 2015 is here to come! An eagerly anticipated day by all Star Wars fans and a great opportunity for brands to show off their real-time marketing skills. Who did the best and who has to wait for the next saga's episode to improve their real-time marketing skills? Check out brand's best and worst Star Wars inspired reactions!

Tom Tom |
Dec 17, 2015
5 min reads
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